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A quick question concering slot overlap


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Hi all. Apologies if this is in the wrong forum, I'll be happy to delete it if it is. Assuming I'm in the right place, I am having a problem with two conflicting mods: JQs backpacks and Kafei's dwemer spectacles. I'd like to be able to wear a pair of glasses and a backpack at the same time, but they regrettably seem to share a slot (my best guess) and only one shows on my character. Is there a way I can get both to items to show, via a mod or slot-changing console command?
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To my knowledge, there is no console command or mod that can fix this, but you can fix it yourself without too much work. Before starting, create a backup copy of the mods, in case something goes wrong. First, you must have the Construction Set. Open one of the mods in the construction set, setting it as the active file. Then, find the item that you want to change the slot, by using the Object Window. Then, once you have located the item, double click on it, and a window will pop up for that item. You can then select and deselect what slot or slots you want the item to occupy. After you have done that, click OK to close that window, then save the file, and it should work.
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