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Frequent freezing during loading


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Hey again, having some problems with New Vegas freezing during loading screens, not CTD'n, just freezing on the roulette spinning.

I know EVE and FOOK don't get on well but the only problem I was having with them has now been fixed (dismemberment issue causing CTD).

Also anyone know of anymore ini tweaks ? I've done a few but was wondering if there were more to increase performance and the settings for 4GB (could only find ini tweaks for 2GB). I can upload my ini file if needed. The game runs smooth when it wants, just gets lag some every now and again :( had it running smooth before, just the joys of playing fallout lol.

Here is my load order:






Companion Core.esm

Advanced Recon Tech.esm

FOOK - New Vegas.esm

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm


More Perks.esm

More Perks for Companions.esm

More Perks for Dead Money.esm

More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm

More Traits.esm

Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

RobCo Certified.esm

Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

WME - Honest Hearts.esm

WME - Old World Blues.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm


NSkies URWLified.esm

Compiled Patch.esp

Compiled Patch - DeadMoney.esp

Compiled Patch - HonestHearts.esp

Compiled Patch - OldWorldBlues.esp

DFB - Angel Park - Fixes.esp





Purge Cell Buffers.esp


The Mod Configuration Menu.esp


UHNV-Dead Money.esp

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp


FOOK - New Vegas.esp

FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp

FOOK - No Loose Files.esp

FOOK - No Loose Files DLCs.esp

Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Project Nevada - Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Honest Hearts.esp

Project Nevada - Old World Blues.esp

Improved Sound FX - Gunshot Distance Tweak.esp

Improved Sound FX - DM.esp

Improved Sound FX - HH.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - HH Sharing Fix.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - OWB Sharing Fix.esp


More Perks Update.esp

More Perks for Companions Update.esp

More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp

More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp

More Traits Update.esp

Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Advanced Recon Tech.esp

Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

BoilingOil - Eli's Edge.esp





Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp

Armored PA Gloves.esp


boa ncrpahelmet.esp

Colossus T49.esp

Project Nevada - T49XV Patch.esp


Darkfiregaming T-Shirt Mod..esp



Burned Man Alt Armours Andy.esp

Desert Armor.esp




EMR Stealthsuit v3.0 - Project Nevada Patch.esp

Fiendish Power Armor.esp

Fiendish Power Armor - Project Nevada.esp



NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp

Project Nevada - Desert Armor Patch.esp



Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

RobCo Certified Friendly Hit Fixer.esp

No Weapon Remove Dead Money.esp

Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp

Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

WME - Ironsights.esp

WME - Named & Sorted.esp

WME - Packless.esp

Project Nevada - WME.esp

WME - Honest Hearts.esp

WME - Old World Blues.esp

WME - Ironsights - HH.esp

WME - Arenovalis.esp

WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp



Project Nevada - EVE.esp




NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp

NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp

ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp

ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp

ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp

DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp



Total active plugins: 123

Total plugins: 130


And my specs:


Processor: Intel Dual Core 2 E7400


Memory: 8GB


Motherboard: ASUS P5N-D


Graphics Card: Geforce 9800GTX +AMP


Soundcard: onboard

Edited by cptcairney
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1. You need to clean those mods, because the modder that created it doesn't know what they are doing (or care).


2. You require a Merge Patch or Bashed Patch because you are using some large mods that deal with lists.



The first one deals with issues, dirty mods can cause all kinds of stuff. So load up the whole load order with FNV edit, apply a filter with only inherited by parent checked, then starting after the DLC (never change the DLC) right click each mod an "remove identical to master records" wait a second for it to finish, then right click the same mod an set delete to disabled. Do that top to bottom, then when you're done, remove the filter an go back to the top, right click the same mods an clean masters, and again sort masters. After that hit Ctrl S to save, read the message to see if it causes an error, if it does error then apply the inhereted by parent filter again an clean that mod that caused the error again an try to save.


The second one just deals with the game actually working correctly rather than having each list override the last entry and create lists with holes in them. you load up the entire load order with FNV edit, click the left window, Ctrl A to select all, then right click the selection an create merge patch, it should say adding masters an not say error anything, if it does say error then you need to deal with that, get rid of the mod that caused the error seems to work, you could also try opening that mod with GECK an see what GECK says about that mod, sometimes it will prompt you. It's only a semi-automated process, after the merge patch is created it, save it, then X close, then load it all up again an manually go thru the merge patch to see what it's doing an fill in any holes that are still there.

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cheers for the feedback, will see if it solves my problems ;)

EDIT: I'm guessing by set delete to disable you mean where t says undelete and disabled references, click this ? Sorry first time I've really bothered with FNVEDIT

Edited by cptcairney
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Start a new game? The remaining issues could only be fixed if you knew really well how to use FNV/FO3 edit. You would also need extensive modder knowlege about each data type. A long list of mods like this would take someone that never did it before about 40-80 hours a day to fix. That is edit these mods so they work along with each other. The alternative to this is using compaibility patches. Project nevada an FOOK are probably not compatible. You would have to look it up to find out I'm only guessing because they both make changes to over 50% of the game. How much of that 50% overlaps an overwrites the other mod, all of it because the 50% is the same data (modders tend to change the same thing) Compatiblity patches are messy, but they deal with the major issues when using two mods that directly conflict.


Another big problem is Nevada Skies needs to load last in order to have the weather controled by Nevada Skies Scripts. Anytime you place an item in the wasteland, the base entry for the wasteland worldspace is entered inside the mod, often you see 30-40 entries or more spread across a load order. Each one overrides the last, so any mod with a wasteland entry that loads after Nevada Skies ends up breaking it. ELECTRO-CITY touches on a lot of wasteland areas and indoors too, most of the time any one mod that ends up touching on large sections of the game world also ends up causing conflicts, identical to master an set delete to disabled fixes most of this, but there is an inherent risk when it's used with a lot of other mods like this. It's the same issue as identical to master records, causes a bunch of issues just from mulitple overriding/overwriting mixed and matched data, rather than a matched set of data like the vanilla game.


Purge Cell Buffers was problematic in fallout 3, PCB causes issues even when done manually, though can be avoided if the person knows what they are doing, for example forcing a load screen right after the PCB. There is also two measures already built into the game engine to auto purge the cell buffer. It should be noted that you can get corupted an partially corupted data in the cell buffer so it's actually a good idea to purge it, certianlly when walking across the wasteland as it speeds up performance. bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=1 and bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=1 are game engine options set thru the .ini config files. This gets rid of over 90% of the manual PCB you would end up doing.


Mods that promise performance rarely do so, an are outdated almost as soon as it comes out. Your primary performance is going to be the actual game patches, Nvidia Driver, Nvidia control panel, Launcher settings, In-game settings, Config .ini files. In the current configuration I would bet that some of your mods are causing performance issues. Un-optimized content can slow a rig down more than you think. The way to tell is to test the vanilla game for a long time an get a baseline of how well the game runs on your system, this also serves to rule out the system as to a cause for any future problem once you start blindly throwing modded content at the game. There are a lot of other bad choices inside the load order I'm sure. You get better the more load orders you build.

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Cheers for the feedback, electroycity and dynavsion work fine after nskies, getting all my weathers etc and in the read me for them it says to put them after nskies.

Doubt the purge cell buffers is doing me major fault, but ii give ti a try.

So what do you think I should use, project nevada or fook ? :/ its a hard choice :( lose a good amount both ways

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I don't think the problem is with any of these mods perse, but when used in this configuration/combination you end up with a very large amount of data that is mix an matched across the whole list. It's not actually a set of data like the vanilla game. It's really a mess if you ever look at it. Play it until it gets old, an then un-install an start over. As you learn more you end up getting better load orders. Slow down too, don't dump it in. Install a few an test the game, then install a few.
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