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Summoning Script


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Well. I tried to post this elsewhere but this is the only forum I am allowed to post in.


Could someone help me with a script for summoning?


I have retexured and scripted a new creature and I would like to create a scripted spell for summoning it. I was wondering if anyone had any idea what the script needed is?


Many Thanks.

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I used a similar script in my Summonable Merchant mod.

scn AbraMerchantSummonScript

begin ScriptEffectStart
AbraRogerMerchantREF.moveto player

begin ScriptEffectFinish
AbraRogerMerchantREF.moveto AbraMerchantHoldingCellDoor
AbraRogerMerchantREF.resurrect 0


As you're using a presumably nonessential critter, I've added a commented* resurrect. Pretty sure this resets an entity's stats even if they're still alive.


Also, you can include the following in the script on the creature:

begin OnDeath

This should cause the ScriptEffectFinish block to trigger when it dies.


You'll need a holding cell with a persistent named reference in it. I used a door for whatever reason.


* ';' breaks the tabs.

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Hmm, everytime I type the code in it fails on line four saying it cannot use a creature but it needs a value. For example:


scn RatBombSummonScript


begin ScriptEffectStart

CreatureRatBombREF.moveto player ;fails here



begin ScriptEffectFinish

CreatureRatBombREF.moveto RatBombHoldingCellDoor

CreatureRatBombREF.resurrect 0



does this code look ok or am I missing something? (I have created the holding cell, I had a look at yours to see what was needed)

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Three things I can think of:


1) You didn't place an instance of the creature in game

2) You didn't give said instance a unique Reference Editor ID

3) You didn't mark it as persistent


I'm guessing on the third.


I assumed you had already done this, and you know what they say about assumptions.

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