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Werewolf or Vampire?



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If I turn into a werewolf, I can kill people by accident and say I had no idea what I was doing :D after all, I can't control the disease


I did post a similar idea in another thread regarding Vampires thou;


Could be possible to temporarily turn the infected PC into an NPC (retaining viewpoint) when "hungry" and in the presence of a wounded mortal NPC, and thereby forcing the player to attack and viciously feed off the NPC regardless of the situation... could be pretty cool. Image the face of the player who thought vampirism would be a cool advantage with little to no consequence, as their character goes into a blood-frenzy...


A similar idea could be run for low level Werewolves/boars/sharks/frogs/whatever... but run in a hazy "dream" type sequence, the higher your level (I would say wisdom or intelligence, but those have been dropped as increasable stats) the more control you have, until you completely control the "wolf" and can pick who you wish to disembowel...

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So being a Vampire or Werewolf...we're all basically suffering from a case of rabies with some mutagen added in there. :thumbsup:


@Squigg- I like your idea about werewolf (or vamp) control. I mean when you first turn into one you're not going to have control and be a master on the monster you've become, but instead of leveling up stats (which is something else now) it could be that the amount of time you spend as a werewolf increases your control. So let's say after X amount of times of transforming you become more in control or after each transformation. Or, maybe there will be quests for being a vamp or wolf? :O


However, question........technically don't werewolves only appear during full moons? I mean how will that work. Will we be seeing monthly (in game) or nightly transformations. Of course they could and will probably just do to where every X amount of days is a full moon (EX every 5 days or something), but yea...since waiting 30 days is NOT an option lol...


Anyways if we get our werewolf I hope that there are special final blows and attacks :biggrin: Also how would our wolf appear? :/ Would it be based on our hair/eye color of our character or maybe they'll have just a set color. I hope it's not set, I've always wanted to be a white wolf which then I hope we can just customize our appearance of our wolf (since I never have white hair).


Now I'm hoping that that they DO have lycanthropy.....I will be very sad if not. :(

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So being a Vampire or Werewolf...we're all basically suffering from a case of rabies with some mutagen added in there. :thumbsup:


@Squigg- I like your idea about werewolf (or vamp) control. I mean when you first turn into one you're not going to have control and be a master on the monster you've become, but instead of leveling up stats (which is something else now) it could be that the amount of time you spend as a werewolf increases your control. So let's say after X amount of times of transforming you become more in control or after each transformation. Or, maybe there will be quests for being a vamp or wolf? :O


However, question........technically don't werewolves only appear during full moons? I mean how will that work. Will we be seeing monthly (in game) or nightly transformations. Of course they could and will probably just do to where every X amount of days is a full moon (EX every 5 days or something), but yea...since waiting 30 days is NOT an option lol...


Anyways if we get our werewolf I hope that there are special final blows and attacks :biggrin: Also how would our wolf appear? :/ Would it be based on our hair/eye color of our character or maybe they'll have just a set color. I hope it's not set, I've always wanted to be a white wolf which then I hope we can just customize our appearance of our wolf (since I never have white hair).


Now I'm hoping that that they DO have lycanthropy.....I will be very sad if not. :(


Good question about the transofrmation...maybe after some time of being a werewolf you would be able to force the transformation on/off but only limited times per day / per week so it wouldnt be too OP(lets say 2 times per day / week) and during full moons you would just transform naturally.... that way it would be also a nice tactical choice if you find yourself cornered.

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So being a Vampire or Werewolf...we're all basically suffering from a case of rabies with some mutagen added in there. :thumbsup:


@Squigg- I like your idea about werewolf (or vamp) control. I mean when you first turn into one you're not going to have control and be a master on the monster you've become, but instead of leveling up stats (which is something else now) it could be that the amount of time you spend as a werewolf increases your control. So let's say after X amount of times of transforming you become more in control or after each transformation. Or, maybe there will be quests for being a vamp or wolf? :O


However, question........technically don't werewolves only appear during full moons? I mean how will that work. Will we be seeing monthly (in game) or nightly transformations. Of course they could and will probably just do to where every X amount of days is a full moon (EX every 5 days or something), but yea...since waiting 30 days is NOT an option lol...


Anyways if we get our werewolf I hope that there are special final blows and attacks :biggrin: Also how would our wolf appear? :/ Would it be based on our hair/eye color of our character or maybe they'll have just a set color. I hope it's not set, I've always wanted to be a white wolf which then I hope we can just customize our appearance of our wolf (since I never have white hair).


Now I'm hoping that that they DO have lycanthropy.....I will be very sad if not. :(


Good question about the transofrmation...maybe after some time of being a werewolf you would be able to force the transformation on/off but only limited times per day / per week so it wouldnt be too OP(lets say 2 times per day / week) and during full moons you would just transform naturally.... that way it would be also a nice tactical choice if you find yourself cornered.


I like that, being able to force transformation but I like the idea of 2x/day b/c personally 2x/week is too long lol


Then for being a Vampire I guess it would just be after sometime you don't have to feed as often and it would be awesome to turn into a bat XD like one from Van Hellsing not an actual plain old bat.

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If I turn into a werewolf, I can kill people by accident and say I had no idea what I was doing :D after all, I can't control the disease

Still if anyone catches you they won't care. They'll probably still try to kill you.

Unless you promised to find a cure. :biggrin:

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Werewolf, Pop-Culture has ruined Vampires.


No, Vampires DONT sparkle in daylight, they burn in daylight.

No, Vampires are NOT hot seventeen year old american boys, they are evil, vicous looking monsters from hell.

No, there is NO such thing as vegeterean vampires, they want human blood, now.


*sigh* silly teenage girls and their "Twilight" :)

Edited by TheMysteriousTraveler
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I still see Vampires as the old Dracula type, even though I saw Twilight and even though people love it now the Twilight Vampires will never truly be Vampires. They will never take their place in the vampire lore, I mean Twilight Vampires give other vamps sun damage...they are too shiny. :tongue:


I'm waiting for the day they make werewolves sparkle and glisten in the moonlight :O


Has anyone thought of how turning into a Gargoyle would be? I know they turn into stone during the day, but they are nightly creatures and it's easy to stumble upon an amulet *cough* or just change the whole daylight =stone thing. You would be able to fly and just look BA. :wink:


Sorry couldn't find a smaller pic.


Oh but anyways.......In Oblivion when you fed off of people that was it....technically if you get bit by a Vampire you are suppose to turn into one. Maybe you can recruit your own vampire army! That would be pretty cool lol turn others into vampires and they shall be your loyal allies. Same with a werewolf if you let them live, but I think being a werewolf you would just have less control in general.

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I I mean Twilight Vampires give other vamps sun damage...they are too shiny. :tongue:


Haha! Good point ;)

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