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Old world Blues robo-scorpion retexture


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So many creatures in NV have already been addressed yet I noticed the Robo Scorpion's bright yellow and red paint job has remained persistent. Why are they not actually metal? They look like colorful action figures (toys)


I would be grateful is Someone with the time and know how could create or use an existing texture to make these mechanical creatures look menacing and metal.


Yes, I know I could do it myself, but the time constraints of my work (Police officer) prevent me from being able to play the game, much less mod it and/or read how to mod it.


To the kind soul whom agrees with me and hears my plea, I thank you.


(A request the OWB's Roboscorpions be retextured to look metallic. Thank you for your time.

Edited by darkhartx1
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