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Spanner in the Works (Wrench Weaponry)


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Too much internet can distract and confuse, but sometimes leads to fun ideas. I wound up on the TV Tropes page for Girl Genius (a dang good webcomic), and in the usual way, wound up with a dozen other tabs. Among them was [Wrench Whack], whereupon instances of spanners being used for weaponry are detailed, and stumbled on this:


Wrenches appear in all Fallout games after the second one' date=' but are only used as weapons in Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics.

[i']A typical wrench used by mechanics for hurting people.[/i]

In Fallout: New Vegas, a particular quest implies a wrench was used to murder a NCR Engineer for his outfit. Strangely, wrenches still aren't useable as weapons.


While I'm not one to nitpick the why and how of wrenches not being a form of weapon, I do find myself suddenly desirous of the ability to clobber a Wastelander with a four-foot long truck wrench. I know they come in a great many sizes and types (from non-modular two-sided wrenches to the classic crescent wrench that everyone recognizes), yet the only ones seen anywhere in Fallout 3 are typical foot-long deals that don't do much. Being that my own knowledge of modding is almost entirely Oblivion-based (and still far too shoddy to qualify for public use), I figured I'd put out the request here.


Edit: Whether because of the hiccups during the server swap or just sheer bad luck, I found a number of wrenches-as-weapons mods about the Nexus that didn't show up on my search before. None of them, however, seem to produce 'abnormal' sized wrenches, IE giant drop-forged metal death dealers. I suppose I'll cope, but if it were at all possible, I'd be quite pleased to find a mod that produces two-handed wrenches.


If all else fails, though, I suppose I could kludge something together with one of the existing ones as a base.

Edited by mindinavoid
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