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Modding Assistance


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Hello there!



Thank you for taking the time to read to my plea for help!



I am completely new to modding and scripting using the CS and I need some specific help with a small mod I am attempting. I would greatly appreciate any help/advice/links to tutorials dealing with my specific questions. I tried going through the CS wiki but it keeps going way over my head and doesn't address my needs at the moment.



Could someone please explain to me how the inn room renting in Oblivion works.


I want to know what scripts are used, where I can find/edit them in the CS.



Secondly, I want to know how to create keys to open a locked door.


I would like to know how to give ownership of containers, objects to the player for a specific duration.


I want to know how to display 'time-remaining' messages at the top left corner of the screen.


How to give and remove objects/money to the player during a conversation with an NPC.



Thanks in advance!

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In the Object Window, expand Item->Key. Open one. Doesn't matter which, but I'd suggest using one that already has a mesh and icon that you like.

Now, change the EditorID (the ID field). It will ask if you wish to create a new form. Select Yes.

Load the cell with the door you want to lock, and either double click on it in the render window or right-click in the Cell View window.

Select the Lock tab, and find the key you created.





A timer script may be found on the GameMode page.

You'll need to specify who ownership should return to, as there's no 'GetOwnership' function.





Use in conjunction with the previously linked timer script.







Gold is Gold001.

You'll also want to use GetItemCount to make sure the player has enough gold.

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I've run into some problems and need help again!


What all do I have to script to enable an existing NPC to sell a house to the player and how do I ensure that I do not make this NPC (who happens to be a publican) lose the scripts that are already attached to her.


Do I need to make a quest? What conditions do I need to specify, what result scripts do I need to add to what objects/cells?

Also how do I add related dialogue and where do I need to place silent mp3s for new dialogue entries.


Would be greatly indebted for any help and guidance, and links to tutorials (unfortunately the wiki entry on this topic is somewhat incomplete).



Thanks in advance

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