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Console doesn't open when Microsoft paddle connected


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Hello everibody!


I'm French,so please be indulgent with my English!....

Well,this is my little problem:I have walked in Mojave for a long time,with a large use of mods,and I was used to customize or debug my game with the console(²)commands.

But since I play with the official Microsoft Paddle (XBox 360) plugged by cable,the keyboard,during the game,is deactivated and I can't anymore acces this precious tool.

I just say that when I use another pad(set with the exellent software XPadder)I can open the console....But I really prefer the Microsoft Paddle.

Please,what happen?And can you suggest me solution for this problem?


Thank you!



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I really must be stupid! :wallbash:

I didn't noticed that in the pause menu,I had to turn the controller OFF,then it's possible to acces the console.And after entered my commands,I just have to turn it ON!

That's all!I hope my"experience" :tongue: will be usefull to others silly players,like me!!

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