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How could an armor crash your game?


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Hiyahh all ;D


I just finished modelling and texturing and outfit, and when I go ingame and try to equip it for testing, the game CTDs.

The ground model works fine.


I checked the branches in nifskope, and everything seemed ok.

I made the outfit by opening up vanilla pieces in blender, deleting parts, and then exporting, applying textures and cake.


Any help would be very appreciated, and awarded with kudo's, cookies and a big friendly hug.

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Incorrect string values set to Bipeds/meatcaps, messed up texture paths, pasted not into the Scene root.


Best bet is to upload the nif to mediafire or something to show up, or post a screen showing everything in the scene rot.

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I think everything is ok in nifskope, but imma follow Micalov's advice and upload the meshes....

Cant kudo you yet cause it seems to not work... Edit2- That is the kudo system... It seems to be broken ;/ Ooooh, Dark0ne?

/gives away 2 cookies and big friendly hugs ;D


edit - here's download link: http://www.4shared.com/file/hA6z5EfJ/Annes_Outfit.html

Edited by FakePersonality
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Rename the BSFadeNode to NiNode on the scene root and it should work fine, tested and it does seem to.


Thanks!! ;D

Gonna test it now ;]


Edit - IT WORKS!!

Thankyouthankyouthankyou ;D

Gonna kudo you as soon as I can ;]

Edited by FakePersonality
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