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Help with creating companions


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A few questions I would like answering are as follows:


1. If someone has already created a character of some sort via a savegame or a companion mod, is it possible to convert it to a companion/NPC? With that I also mean edit the attributes...


2. How do I incorporate bits from other mods, such as Roberts Male Body, Exnem, or any other hair, face, clothing etc?


3. How would I utilize the CM Companions mod? I thought about asking Blackie (the author), but it seems he just writes the scripting and doesn't really create any companions himself...


4. How do I import a 3D model from FaceGen? Do I have to import it into a 3D application first or can it be done directly through the construction set?



Seems like the web has huge amounts of resources on creating quests, retextures, but nothing out there at all with regards to creating characters. Additional resources which you think would help would also be a bonus!



Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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