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Scripting help


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Hello all. This is my first real attempt at a mod, and I hit a wall. Basically my project is a spell that summons a unique weapon. I created a sword called the witchblade, which has a script attached much like the dark scales in the DB quest. Alone, the sword & accompanying script work great, but it's when I try and link it to a spell I run into problems. I used one of the extra bound weapon magic effects, set it up so that the spell would summon the witchblade, and it works, somewhat. I can summon the sword, but the script won't work. I've tried modifying it so that it uses onequip player, onadd player, and even gamemode to see if any make it a difference, but it doesn't. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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Don't try using one of the pre-existing spell effects. Instead just create a new spell and give it a script effect (make sure it is set to be a magic effect script).


Scriptname andysummonweaponspellscript

begin scripteffectstart

player.additem MagicalSwordID 1
player.equipitem MagicalSwordID


begin scripteffectfinish

player.removeitem MagicalSwordID 1



The script might not equip the item to the player, in which case they will just have to equip it themselves. You may want to make the sword a quest object so it can't be dropped.

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