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Level List Merge Utility


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Now this might be a bit more advanced item to ask for. What would it take to create a level list merging utility? I know you can do it through FO4Edit and that there are Videos (god I hate videos give me something to read please! So much easier to keep track of where you are and rereading.) It's also possible through the GECK, but what if we took out all that and made it so that you have a program look through your mod list or through the mods you choose, and check for a level list in them, look for like Raider lists in each, then merge them so that we can experience all the weapons we download? Forgive my insolence if t here is already something that does this. Also if there is a written version for FO4Edit level listing I'm all for learnig to do this manually myself, but Google has yet to bring any conclusive searches.

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