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Disabling Grass (among other things)


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To start off, I`ll say that I`m new to the forums so correct me if this is in the wrong place.


Anyway, onto my problem.


My system specs. aren`t the best but they can run Oblivion with minimal pain. except for when I`m in the field, or anywhere near grass for that matter.

My dilemma is this, no matter what I do, I can`t disable grass. My .ini file has bDoTallGrassEffects set to 0, along with grass start fade distance and end distance in the .ini set to 0,000, but only in the .ini.


In-game, grass fade doesn`t let me move it. I change it and it stays like that for about 2 sec. then reverts back to default in both the game and .ini.

The only mod I have that could be causing this that I can think of is streamline.


I`d like to keep streamline if I can as it helps my performance greatly.

And on a side note, How can I disable rain/snow and other effects of that sort?




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The way streamline works is it trades visual stuff - like grass distance, shadows and view distance of nearly everything for FPS. It does this by making the changes on the fly as you play. What it is changing is the values of the parameters in the Oblivion.ini file. You can change them yourself if you are willing to do a little experimentation.


Be sure to turn off the part of streamline that makes these changes before starting to make your own changes. Or Streamline will overwrite your changes with it's own. :rolleyes:


Be sure you make a backup copy of the original Oblivion .ini first. If you allowed streamline to make it's changes, your ini is no longer original. To get the original back, just delete or rename the existing ini. The next time you start the game, it will create a new ini based on the hardware and screen resolution you select. Make a copy of that one and place it in a separate place where it will not be touched.


Now go here - http://www.tweakguides.com/

Follow the entire guide for Oblivion, don't leave out his advice to optimize both your system and video card first. :thumbsup:

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For future use you can also open the console and type TG then enter to toggle all grass on/off. I find this helps sometimes when my enemy drops a weapon and I can't find it in the grass. Helps FPS too if there's a lot going on.



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