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Using mod in another game


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Hi. Can anybody help a poor newbee.

I have constructed my own house with CS. Giving the ESP-file to another, proved that it did not work

in another game. However, if i open the mod (on the other computer) with CS, i can see the house. The location name and house name is also present. On the computer where i produced the mod, i have tried to unpack BSA-files, to search for any changes here. But now i am stock against the wall. I simply don´t know what do do.

Thank you

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So you are trying a mod you made on someone elses computer? Perhaps that other computer is using a different (earlier probably) version of oblivion. It is my understanding that most mods are not backwards compatible, eg: mods built with new oblivion won't work with old oblivion.
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So you are trying a mod you made on someone elses computer? Perhaps that other computer is using a different (earlier probably) version of oblivion. It is my understanding that most mods are not backwards compatible, eg: mods built with new oblivion won't work with old oblivion.



Sorry about being so long time to reply.

But thanks a lot. There was an newer upgrade on

the pc producing the mod. After upgrading the other pc, everything works fine.

Again, thanks a lot.

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