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Crashing and Freezing/Locking Up


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Hey, doubt if y'all can help, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Periodically, since the earliest TESV, my game has occasionally done a never ending cell transition on entering or leaving a building. This was/is particularly true of Hearthfires and Lakeview. Also, it'll periodically lock up out in the field for no observable reason. Also, it tends to either freeze or crash to desktop when I'm in a situation where there's

a LOT of action...such as in a combat situation where there're a lot of bitmaps trying to do harm to each other...more particularly it happens if I try to jump into the mix with my character. Finally, everything

will appear to be running smoothly, I'm truckin' down the road with my followers(3-5) behind and then...blink, and down it goes to desktop. No stutter, stagger, or slo-mo, just gone. I save a LOT! Any



I run anywhere from 85 to 100 mods.



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Hey, doubt if y'all can help, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Periodically, since the earliest TESV, my game has occasionally done a never ending cell transition on entering or leaving a building. This was/is particularly true of Hearthfires and Lakeview. Also, it'll periodically lock up out in the field for no observable reason. Also, it tends to either freeze or crash to desktop when I'm in a situation where there's

a LOT of action...such as in a combat situation where there're a lot of bitmaps trying to do harm to each other...more particularly it happens if I try to jump into the mix with my character. Finally, everything

will appear to be running smoothly, I'm truckin' down the road with my followers(3-5) behind and then...blink, and down it goes to desktop. No stutter, stagger, or slo-mo, just gone. I save a LOT! Any



I run anywhere from 85 to 100 mods.



This has been a problem with my new computer too but i only run 30 mods,the screen locks up at odd times IE: when running to another town or halfway through a fight.The strange thing that happens is i get a black screen but if i drag the screen to the bottom most times it will start working again.I have just put up with it as i am not a computer Buff. LOL

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My laptop used to always enter an unending loading screen until I found this mod called "Safety Load" here on Nexus, Ever since a downloaded it I've never entered that annoying unending loading screen again and I have over 90 active mods. Maybe check it out sometime and see if it works for you.

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That is usually system stress or lack of resources.


I get it when I play too long or try to play at 4k with ENB.


Use Skyrim Performance monitor & see what your hardware is doing when you CTD. You my find that a pattern emerges.


NPCs & followers can put a lot of stress on a system. My followers use 1gb of vram by themselves. For example. With 2 followers I use 2.8gb vram. With 7 I use 3.5. At 14 followers I usually run out of ram(not vram) if they enter combat on the surface with the same amount or more NPCs. Under ground CPU stress takes the game out before it can run out of ram. At 97% CPU usage I am at 3fps.

This is the sort of thing you can spot using SPM. If you are getting CTDs caused by scripts, no pattern will show up.


Hearthfires doors are the only doors I get infinite loading screens. Surprisingly if I use a side door I avoid the them.


I have learned by using SPM that I can't use mods that add meshes to areas that have a lot of NPCs. If I do I have to reduce the number of NPCs. For example I use JK's mods only at Morthal & Ivarstead. In these areas they have no impact.


Going down the road & suddenly CTD is the most common type of CTD that I get. Most are caused by my NPC/Monster spawning mods. The rest are caused by mods the change the state of NPCs like Frostfall & Wet & Cold. For example. If I go from Whiterun to Rorikstead, & if I have not been there for a while I will CTD just before I see Rorikstead. The culprit is Skyrim Immersive Creatures. It usually spawns a mage that spawns a creature that crashes the game. I can avoid it by fast traveling the rest of the way(or killing the mage with the console). If I am in an area that I think I may CTD I use the console command "tfc" to scout ahead. If I spot a NPC I take note what mod it is from. This only works if the cause of the CTD is in the same cell & rendered.

I just live with the CTDs from mods like Frostfall. They only take down the game every 6 to 8 hours now.


When I went from a GTX 980 to a 980 ti 50% of my CTDs went away on the same game. The only difference was in the GPU usage on the SPM chart. CPU & vram usage was the same. The difference in game was the 980 could only achieve frame rates in the mid 40s while the 980 ti was in the high 60s(at 1440). I came to the conclusion that with the 980 running in the 40s could not react to events like multiple NPC combat situations. The 980 ti with vsync at 60 but could run at 70 made a big difference.



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