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CTD when exiting vault 87 / fose installation issue


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I am fairly new to Fallout 3 and modding it in particular. A few days ago, I purchased the german "Fallout - 3 Game of the year"- DLC-Edition via Steam. A friend of mine recommended to install the FOOK 2 mod, along with the "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated", fose and FOMM. All those modifications worked well except for fose, which gives me an error (You have an unknown version of Fallout, please visit..... <CRC = 946BBEE3>).

I have tried all available versions of fose, searched the web and watched many installation videoguides, but nothing solved my problem.

However, since FOMM and FOOK 2 were running fine, playing the game was possible up until now, for I reached the Cut-Scene in Vault 87 and get a crash to desktop every time Fallout tries to load the next area.

I did some research and it seems to be an issue with the night vision switch, which FOOK 2 places in my inventory (in the next scene all items are removed from my inventory, which is said to cause the crash). The easiest solution is said to be by deactivating it by switching to the hotkey-version and this is where my problem starts. The option menu to make this change is part of fose and therefor not available for me right now.

I hope you got some advice or maybe a workaround to either get fose working with my german Goty-DLC-Edition of to skip the crash.

Thanks in advance.

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i do not believe FOSE is compatible with the international versions of Fallout 3

That might be possible, but the official comment states otherwise: http://fose.silverlock.org/


"FOSE v1.2 beta2 provides support for:

Retail DVD and Steam builds,, both versions of,, and The no-gore version of released in Germany is also supported."

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...The easiest solution is said to be by deactivating it by switching to the hotkey-version and this is where my problem starts. The option menu to make this change is part of fose and therefor not available for me right now...


Type the following in the console ("xx" needs to be the load order ID of FOOK2 - Main.ESM):


Set NVG to 0

Player.RemoveItem xx003DCC 1


When you are safely through you can type the following in the console:


Set NVG to 1


When you have your nightvision apparel/armor again you might need to drop it to the ground and pick it up again for the [Nightvision Switch] to appear in your inventory.

Edited by blove
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...The easiest solution is said to be by deactivating it by switching to the hotkey-version and this is where my problem starts. The option menu to make this change is part of fose and therefor not available for me right now...


Type the following in the console ("xx" needs to be the load order ID of FOOK2 - Main.ESM):


Set NVG to 0

Player.RemoveItem xx003DCC 1


When you are safely through you can type the following in the console:


Set NVG to 1


When you have your nightvision apparel/armor again you might need to drop it to the ground and pick it up again for the [Nightvision Switch] to appear in your inventory.


Thank´s for your Help blove!

The second part works fine for me, so removing the switch is no longer an issue, but the first line (Set NVG to 0) brings up this error text:


SCRIPTS: Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun' line 1: Unknown variable 'NVG'.


Any other idea how it might be turned off?

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That is certainly odd. Set NVG to 0 or 1 should be working. The only thing I can suggest is that you drop your nightvision apparel/armor prior to the abduction, do the Player.RemoveItem xx003DCC 1, and then just do a Player.AddItem xxItemCode 1 afterwards.
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So I had the same issue, crashed everytime I entered the annex room to get captured. I had to use a mod to get around this. I have a teleport device from one of my mods, I want to say it was the Levelers Trailer mod but not sure, it allows a marker that you can return to on demand. I sent a marker just outside the room, warped to my "lair" (player house of your choice) and dropped ALL my loot with the exception of vanilla objects. Then teleported back to the marker. Seems something on my persons was glitching the game. You could just drop everything but you can't return to Vault 87 so do so at you own peril. BTW the teleport hat stayed with me and had no effect on the cut scene. Not sure if this will help or not but it worked for me.
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