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Long Fall Boots


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I was working on my mod, and one part of it requires an extremely long fall (300-400 Meters) and for the player to survive this, they are going to need long fall boots (from Portal). I was wondering how I could do such a thing.


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I was working on my mod, and one part of it requires an extremely long fall (300-400 Meters) and for the player to survive this, they are going to need long fall boots (from Portal). I was wondering how I could do such a thing.


You will be credited :D




A couple of things you might look into would be to simply add a script to your boots that when they are equipped they could either add enough health to the player that they survive the fall/jump, or they could also add an effect or spell to ignore enough of the damage incurred in the jump that they live through it. It’s an easy script with an OnEquip block. Try picking apart some of the perks that ignore or resist damage. Hope that helps.


OnEquip: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/OnEquip

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