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[WIP] The Isles fo Marenon


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To the Lands of Marenon...



I hope you don't mind the war...



Marenon, is a new mod I am working on. It will be adding a large island chain, with 7 main islands and many others to explore. There will be 6 new civilizations in the mod, each with unique politics and weapons/armor. The civilizations will be based on six diffrent ancient civilizations.


The mod will be in 8 parts

One for each major island and one for the main quest.


The story will start with your character being drafted into one of the islands armies, and going to war. You quickly prove yourself in battle, and are sent on a special mission... too kill a god. The story will be intense and lead you through many battles, some staight out fights, and others "boss" battles against massive enemies that can only really be hurt by the plentiful seige weaponry.


I would like it if others would help out, the team is small at the moment. But I have a good number of resources to use, becouse I am working under the Cerberus Modding Group. Best known for Undernethe, and Safe Havens. If you wish to help, or you just want to see the latest news stop by the forums here Marenon Forums

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The very reason I started to learn modding recently is in the hope one day I could make something like this (an rts style 'deathmatch' for oblivion)...


I hope you know how much work this will take... is it just you or have you got a team?


good luck

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Well, I hope to get as big of battles as I can, but... well really large things or numbers don't work well in Oblivion. Also, i plan on makeing battles alot tougher and alot more stratigic. Like the Seige weapons, I actually have some one working on this now and I Hope to release a small mod soon demonstrating the concept. And yeah I know what im getting into here, and thats one reason I chose to work with Cerberus is cause I know if I ask for help or a Item i'll probably get it. Not that I don't need help ;)
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