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Script questions


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I'm stuck with a script. The script work fine and all but I want it so only one race can use it (My own Nosferatu race in this case). And I recall seeing som "IsRace" command but maybe it was just wishfull seeing, anyway if it were such a command there would be no problem for me (I think) , but now that there isn't it's a big problem for me (hopefully just a minor problem for you who can more about CS acripting then me ;) )


P.S I maybe wrong with my idea with that "IsRace" thingy but anyway


Hope to have some fast and helping replies soon and thx to those who answer, and try to help me or do so thx :D


EDIT: A script like The Amulet of Kings script but in this case not for the player, but for other races then the "Nosferatu" race

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So this is the script I came up with, anything you wanna add or correct??


ScriptName JawZVampireon/offScript



Begin OnEquip


If ( player.GetIsRace VampireRace == 1 )

player.addspell Vampirism100

player.addspell Vampirism100Att

player.addspell Vampirism100skills

player.addspell VampireEmbraceofShadows

player.addspell VampireSeduction

player.addspell VampireReignofTerror

player.addspell aaaHuntingSpree

set PCVampire to 4

MessageBox "You are now a true hunter of the night"

else ( player.GetIsRace VampireRace == 0 )

player.UnequipItem aaaJawZVampireAmulet 1

MessageBox "You are no hunter of the night"






Begin OnUnequip


If ( player.GetIsRace VampireRace == 1 )

player.removespell Vampirism100

player.removespell Vampirism100Att

player.removespell Vampirism100skills

player.removespell VampireEmbraceofShadows

player.removespell VampireSeduction

player.removespell VampireReignofTerror

player.removespell aaaHuntingSpree

set PCVampire to 0

MessageBox "And now you are a vampire without special powers"




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And hehe got another problem


Im makin a quest where I recieve an item from NPC 1 that im supposed to deliver to NPC 2 to get a "gift" that NPC 1 promised I would get if I delivered this item to NPC 2. So basically get an item, deliver it, get an reward.


But I don't know how to do this. Its surely easy doin, but can't figure it's just blank in my head. Tried to find a solution for this problem, with no such luck. So if someone can help me out here plz


EDIT: Fixed it. What I was thinkin was that the NPC had to get it to trigger the "player.additem VampireAmulet 1" but that was if the NPC was going to do something with that object I had to deliver. To get the amulet but he doesnt so, problem solved.

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