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a question about animation and .kf files


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I download severals mods to change fight animation . My base is DMC stylish.


I found another mod "CCAO overhaul" and i just want to use some .kf files in it.


I rename the file "example : handtohandskill2attackleftpower" and i paste it in the good folder. But the animation don't work in game.


I don"t understand.


Can someone help me.



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remove the "example : " and try again?


Lol, the example mean it's an example. it's not in the name of the files.


it's right my english is not perfect however thanks

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You need to put it into character\_male, not character\_male\specialanims. Keep in mind this will apply to ALL characters, including you, companions, and all NPCs. Oblivion has a very stupid file directory for animations as the developers believed a sexy H-cup succubus should have the same attack animations as a 60-year old potbellied imperial guard.
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Changing the file name is usually not enough.


You need to open the file with NifSkope and change the "0 NiControllerSequence" record to the name of the Animgroup. See AnimGroups.


In your case this is "attackleftpower"

- the name of the file

- without .kf (of course)

- without the weapontype ("hand2hand")

- without the skill level ("skill2")

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You need to put it into character\_male, not character\_male\specialanims. Keep in mind this will apply to ALL characters, including you, companions, and all NPCs. Oblivion has a very stupid file directory for animations as the developers believed a sexy H-cup succubus should have the same attack animations as a 60-year old potbellied imperial guard.


thanks for this answer but i put it already in the correct folder character\_male and not in specialanims.


Thanks again but i think Fore give me the right answer

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^ yeah that step is usually required otherwise the animation will play, but in a very odd way (rotation is messed up and sometimes has mesh stretch).


No. If the AnimGroup is not "attackleftpower", it will definitely not play as such.

(I think the AnimGroup even has precedence over the file name. So if the file name says "Attackleft" and the Animgroup says "attackright", it will play as atackright. Even in the _male folder)

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Changing the file name is usually not enough.


You need to open the file with NifSkope and change the "0 NiControllerSequence" record to the name of the Animgroup. See AnimGroups.


In your case this is "attackleftpower"

- the name of the file

- without .kf (of course)

- without the weapontype ("hand2hand")

- without the skill level ("skill2")



yes , this is it. It's the answer i was waiting for.

Thank you, you're good

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Thanks Fore with all those details.


I learn something important today.


The file i wanted to use was record as an "specialidle" in nifskope.


I change it as "attackleftpower" and i save.


Without this modification my character didn't play the animation and didn't scream.


Now it's better, my character scream and start the animation but stop immediately. Perhaps the animation from the mod "CCAO overhaul" is not correct?

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