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a question about animation and .kf files


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That's a different story. If animations are idles (located in the IdleAnims), they may differ from regular (_male) combat animations.


First of all, this CCAO is the most complicated and enginious work I have seen so far in animations. This mod does not only include tons of animation files, but also 50 or more OBSE scripts for their proper use. Because if you use idle animations for combat (to avoid those stringent, hard-coded Oblivion restrictions), you need to do the combat setup and invocation by script.


It still might be possible to use single animations from CCAO as regular combat animations, but then you need to do at least 2 more little changes. And they are a bit harder to do with NifSkope. (Hope this should do).


In NifSkope the last record is a "NiTextKeyExtraData". Look at the different text keys in there and compare to animdata.html. What you need to do is:

  • Remove the "Blend:3" key (I have yet to find a complete explanation what this key does; sometimes it really looks like those japanese modders have more knowledge than the rest of us. But at leat I know that vanilla attacks don't have and these)
  • Add a "Hit" key. But make sure it has a time stamp which matches the time of a frame (use one of the Enum times)

You can replace the Blend key with the Hit key. But you have sort all keys for the time stamp. And there is no sorting help from NifSkope at this level. So you have to re-write the keys, beginning at the Blend key.


THere is another issue. All bone priorities are set to 99. Right now I can only think of one consequence: there is no stagger possible during that move. But if so you will need to modify the priority for each bone. Compare with a vanilla attack file.


Isn't animation modding fun? :biggrin:

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Thanks Fore,


I ll stop with files of CCAO, it's too complicated. I'm not a modder, just a user.


Actually, i'm spending more time to understand an animation than to play oblivion and it's not my wish.


Thank to all who are tried to understand.

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