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Less Lethal Options


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I love these ideas of a less lethal way to deal with a hostile situation and I'm sure if they're not in the game some would be willing to mod it in. I liked this one mod where you could yourself yield in a fight and have a chance of the combat terminating. Many times I would be fighting a beast or enemy and have a local join with me only to get in the way of my sword and then have a bone too pick with me after being struck. It was nice being able to resolve that issue without having the whole country after me


mod? thats in vanila oblivion,... its called yielding. theres no mod for that (unless theres one that improves whats already there)

what you described tho is in the regular game, unmodded

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lol it is? Well that's a new one for me, I guess I never had it working or knew how in the standard game because it took a mod to give me what I wanted. Though when I got into Oblivion it was already 3 years old and I was downloading mods from the day I installed it.


Edit:(facepalm moment) and there it is lol I guess what I must have then gives 100 percent success rate to the yield where in oblivion it could fail often... Also I'm not the most avid block button user.... I just slash and see what happens... Explains my fail rate :D

Edited by 3WINTERS
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