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Getting a Body Replacer from FO3


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Note this information request is for my use only - I do not intend to upload the resulting product - I only intend to use it for myself... (unless of course I get permission to re-upload it here from the original author(s).)


I was wondering if there was anything I should know before attempting to port a body replacer from FO3 to FNV. I am under the impression that if the mod is only texture and mesh that it should just be as easy as copying it from my FO3 folder to my FNV folder. However, I would like to ask if that is all there is to it before starting (so I may learn from others before repeating problems already experienced by others).


My questions are as follows:

Are the file structures the same for the textures and meshs?

If the structures are the same are the file headers the same or will I have to edit them? (If so what editor would you suggest for someone who is an intermediate skill modder (ie I cant rig skeletons but I have built tile pieces that were missing from different room or area sets in FO3: like for instance a left side inward corner for the vault diner set.)

Was the same naming convention used or will I have to name the files differently for FNV? (ie are they still calling the stuff for the fiends by the raider file name)

Are there any other pitfalls I should watch out for? (and yes I know how to use the archive invalidation stuff)


And for those who ask why... I like the Naouak replacer (it seems to me to be the replacer that is closest to an "everywoman representation" of the female body), but I want it used as the base body for all the NPCs of the races it covers - there is also a ghoul one but I dont remember the name off hand. And the biggest reason I want a replacer is not for variety or my jollys - its because a small part of my brain dies every time I strip the armor off of some half dressed tribal and *bam!*, like magic, underwear and a shirt or sports bra appear from out of nowhere. Just thinking about it to type it bugged me lol.


Thanks for any help!



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