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Annoying problem trying to play oblivion.


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Ok ill start from the beginning, I got a new computer and iv had oblivion for several years for pc (GOTY ED so i had Si and KOTN) Its a brand new Alienware m14x


I installed oblivion and such and was able to play it fully on my computer with graphics turned up no lag and played it for some time.


Later i went and installed several mods and everything was going great,


then i tried to install a few sound mods (i think this was one, Sounds of Cyrodiil http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39804

along with some in its description (Im not saying anything is wrong with it or bashing it im just telling you what one i was trying to install ))


I know i screwed up installing them somewhere because when i hit play in the launcher it only started to load the bethesda logo then went black and closed and said there was problems (i also tried launching it with obmm) , and like an idiot i didn't backup all of the data files, just 3 of them i think (dumbass move huh)


Anyhow i tried to restore oblivion to the original default files and everything back to original by uninstalling and deleting all the left over files that where in the left over bethesda/ obliv folder and reinstalled it, so i went and did that and just tried to launch oblivion with no mods, no patches, no nothing, just a pure freshly installed obliv (and no si or kotn also tryed again with si and kotn installed).


so i go and hit play on the obliv launcher and it just starts to load the bethesda logo and black screens and says "oblivion has stopped working".


PLEASE if someone can help it would greatly be appreciated, and yes this time i will back up every file...



Edited by K9blaze
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Once you get it going, use mTES4 Manager to clone the working installation. Add a few mods to the clone - test ... clone to add more. Delete old clones as you go once you no longer need them. Far quicker in the long run - if you bork the installation, just revert to the previous clone and try again.
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Oblivion failing to start is often a missing master. One of your new mods was probably installed wrong and had an important .esm file that was not installed, was not activated, or was not installed in the right directory. To easily check for missing masters, use Wrye Bash and look for mods on the list that have been highlighted in bright colors.
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