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Npc texture problems


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Need a little help, I go and make a new npc and i get the head one color and the body a different color ? If i edit a existing npc it is the same thing, fresh load, started a new Esp , no mods or textures files add is just a pure fallout 3 reload. On on post i read someone said to change bLoadFaceGenHeadEGTFiles=0 to 1 , but that did not work either . what i have to do?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello (sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English well)


I have the same problem:


I go and make a new afro, latin and asian npc and i get the head one color and the body a different color (remain mostly white)?


On on post i read someone said, the option must be ticked can be all race, but that did not work either.

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I use Master Update to stop this problem:

I have started using Fo3MasterUpdate.exe which makes the game run smoother and seems to overcome many mod problems and cut down on crashes. It seems to put an ESM header on a lot of the ESP mods. Then I use Fo3MasterRestore.exe which puts the game back the way it was for editing etc.


These are programs created by copying and renaming the original Fo3Edit.exe and are found in Fallout 3 subdirectory. In the Fallout Mod manager it does come up with a red error saying its marked as an ESM when its an ESP, but that doesnt seem to matter.

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