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Someone do your ol' pal a solid


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I am still between houses so my desktop machine is packed up. But my mod-fu is strong and I am still posting files, especially critters.

So can some kind soul do me a solid and do some testing of some of the things I have posted here? I would also appreciate screens if you don't mind.


I am especially interested in verdicts on the most recent like Destructobot, Evolved Deathclaw, Homunculus, and Moleman.



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Some of them models are damn fine work.

I will definitely check it out.



I might post some screenshots.


Perhaps even make some retextures too if I get bored.

Much better than jsnider193's anyway... I'm sure he means well but I have no idea what he thinks he's doing :P


Keep up the good work. :)

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I think he is making some NV40k orc thing. I know nothing about that subject so for all I know they fit right in.


I'd really like to know if there are any issues. All I can do right now is put them in geck and try a few animations. But no weapons display in geck, etc. so it's hard to know.

Haven't gotten any reports of problems so I guess that's a good thing.

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