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Weird Happenings


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Hi, I recently got into downlaoding mods and add on's etc from Nexus. They are great but......they seem to effect new games with new characters. For example, if I make a new Male Cousland he gets introduced as a 'daughter'. Then he gets locked in the passage outside his bedroom.

In later 'loads' of already established characters I seem to have lost my companiaons 'approval/disapproval' ratings. My romantic option does not kiss or have sex any more. Even If I agree to perform the dark ritual with Morrigan she sends me off to get Alistaire?????

However, my female mage wo is in a relationship with Alistaire is unaffected.

It's really strange.

Anyone else come across this?



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Hey there, Sabbaticadave;


All depends on exactly which mods you're trying to use. Many are known to interact poorly with certain (or many) others. As mentioned in the article Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies, problems are often caused by "the mod you just added conflicting with the one you like best!" :tongue:

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