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How good are you at installing mods?


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How much would someone charge me for installing around 250 mods in oblivion. Make them stable and then pass them over to me?


I have tried before. i got FCOM running perfectly but as I add more and more mods, I start to get more and more problems.


Here is a link to show you some problems.

I never finished that video because ultimately i came face to face with some sort of memory leak that I couldn't identify :(.


Anyway guys. An estimate would be great. thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you could get me a list of your mods (I hope you installed them with obmm, if you did, just printscreen that list with the squares) and a list of your problems, ill see what i can do

and... I dont need to get paid dude, pretty much noone here does xD


The LOD (far away land) issues with frostcraig are being caused by missing lod meshes, I think one of the far away mods solved that ... Just cant recall the name anymore. If you can do basic nifskope actions, just find the frostcraig models, remove unnecesary data and rename >original name<_far.nif , then all you got to do is run tes4lodgen. Dont do that on every mesh though, its gonna lag your game like hell if you dont reduce poly's.


The "crack" in the lod over the bridge is cause by a mistake in the LOD textures. I dont know how to fix that, I guess you should just download another LOD texture mod.


The "unsittable" chair is caused by the better cities .esp assigning ownership to it, if you are really pissed of by the fact you are not allowed to sit on that chair, just load the esp in the cs and remove the ownership.


I hope some of the above was english to you :)


really enjoyed your vid btw, never seen anyone play oblivion like that before. keep it up xD

(oh, and respect for 100% difficulty with FCOM while running survival mods when being a ?mythical? monk)

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Lol at the video. Thank you for sharing with us mate that video was very entertaining. Hmmm anyways back to your issue, do you have a high end machine like a recent series of CPUs and Video Cards? Also, are you running AA or HDR? Do you use TES4Edit? Did you notice that glitch from the start or after adding mods? And this is kinda off topic but correct me if I'm wrong alright? Why not add some custom animations so that you can play to your character? Ignore that last sentence if you already have done so.
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