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New Vegas Modification Recommendations


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I could give you all of my 120+ mods! But those I think are of the best quality must be: Mike Hanchos Bison Steve Hotel and his Goodsprings Schoolhouse mod. Both are well thought out restoration mods, ending in a couple of nice player homes. Fully voiced, and well done on that. Then there are New Vegas Bounties 1 and 2. Voiced and challenging bounty hunter stuff. The ultimate companion is Willow. Fully voiced and rather complex. It takes time before you've unlocked all of her features. And lastly, with that rig of yours, I'd suggest you check out Ojo Bueno or NMC for some really stunning texture replacers. I run Poco Bueno together with NMCs small pack, but you should be able to do much better. And it's worth it :-)
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I run a bunch of mods, but here are the ones I would have a hard time playing without:


WMX (or WME, either one really - same idea, different execution)

A World Of Pain (This is an absolute must for the game. Huge number of new locations and loot. I have not tried djmystro's Psiclones yet, but it is likely very good as well.)

Monster Mod (adds giant Tarantulas, among many other things!)

AWOP Monster Patch (integrates the new creatures of MM with AWOP and adds a range of "Rumble Zones" - meaning harder fights with nicer loot - in various locations. Still a bit glitchy here and there, but well worth it.)

Project Nevada (this one is just flat out great. Visor effect and nightvision alone are worth it.)

Harder Than You (makes things, um, harder - by a lot. Forget about charging in to fix your problems, unless you like dying a bunch. Among a variety of creature tweaks, it adds exploding fire geckos, centaurs with VERY bad breath, and angry ants that shoot plasma, all of which are awesome. Watch out for the Radscorps though.)

Warzones: Misanthropy Pure (more stuff to shoot at - and it all shoots back! Bring LOTS of ammo.)

Nevada Bounties 1 & 2 (I completely prefer 2, but 1 is fun. There is apparently a conflict with NVB2 and Psiclones that has yet to be resolved.)

Increased Wasteland Spawns (which can be really quirky. Rumor has it that Harderman, responsible for Harder Than You and some aspects of AWOP, is going to be working on a replacement of sorts which should be outstanding)


Also, I really hated the vanilla Luck 38 player home, so felt the need for another one. There are tons of choices out there, and AWOP comes with quite a good one built right in to one of the abandoned homes in Goodsprings. My favourites (aside from the AWOP one) are down to 3, depending on what you like:


Underground Hideout NV - well refined, lots of automated stuff, looks good, includes a cool simulator feature that can add a bit of fun. Plays nicely with DLCs (more or less).

Lucky 38 Redesigned (the one by Kopsy) - fantastic look, a few quirks here and there, not perfectly DLC friendly, but really, really well done.

Survivalist Bunker - minimalist approach, but very useful. Odd location.


One last thing, in order to get all this stuff to work together as smoothy as it can, you are going to need three other programs (not exactly mods):

Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM)

NV Flash



Here is what I do: Set the load order using FOMM, which includes a BOSS autosort feature. Make a Bashed Patch using NV Flash. Tweak the Bashed Patch to your liking with FNVEdit, rather than using the Master Update or Master Patch feature of FNVEdit, which some mods really don't like. Works great. If you like to experiment with different mods, you can build your own patches that cover specific things rather than having to redo the bashed patch every time you add or delete a mod. Doing this takes time, and there is a learning curve to it, but in the end it pays off.

Edited by Gnubee
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