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Suddent *stuck* issues for Player


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I have built a room that is essentially a small square - 9x9. I navemeshed with a blissful degree of non-issues, only to find that when I went in-game, my character always gets stuck if a) you jump on the desk; b) you walk around the desk.


I don't mean, "Ah, s***, ~tcl" kind of stuck. I mean, you're never, ever going to move again kind of stuck. If you're up on the desk, you're now a permanent gargoyle.


Meanwhile, the NPC is happily wandering around not doing some other things but that is a separate issue I've been troubleshooting with slow, steady success.


The navmesh is clean. It's definitely *on* the floor, I checked all vertices. It's such a small room it was no issue at all. But since I've basically got myself and this NPC in a sardine can with one lousy desk, what on earth is paralyzing the player?



Figured it out. NM.

Had an 'automatic door' - unchecked that, running just fine.

Edited by RampionRampage
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