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Buyable Rooms


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I'm currently working on bring my All-in-One Basement back to life, and I was wondering how I would go about making parts of the room or separate rooms buy-able as an item from a merchant, like how house upgrades are bought in Vanilla Oblivion. What would be really awesome, if it's reasonably possible, would be to have the entire area in one cell and just keep the doors locked until you've purchased the extra room. Just so any potential helpers know; I'm a complete newb at using the CS, so I might need a bit more explaining done :P.


Thanks in advanced for any help!

Edit: I just had an idea and was wondering if this would work; how about having the doors to the extra areas locked and only accessible with a key that's bought from a merchant? It seems a lot less complex than a hidden quest system or complex scripts. The only problem would be whether the key could be looted from the merchant's body if someone decided to be villainous.

Edited by Farlo
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The best way to do this is to basically link all the objects in a "set" (i.e. your living room, your bedroom etc) to one object by use of the "enable parent" tab of each object in the set.


1) choose your main object in the set to link to and check the "persistent reference" box and the "initially disabled" box and give it a ref ID (like "bedroomREF" for instance

2) open up each object in the set you want it to be part of and click the enable parent tab then choose the "select in viewer window" button and click the "bedroomREF" object. This will link the status of this object to the parent object.


You then create a script with a code like this:


scn bedroomscript

begin onadd player




this simple code should be an object script attached to a "book" object that you create which is the "ownership papers" like you buy from the shops for vanilla houses. When this object is added to your inventory it will automatically enable the bedroomREF object and consequently every object that you used the "enable parent" function I described above

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