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New Vegas GOTY


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I've gotten bored with waiting for news of a game of the year edition for New Vegas and I decided to pass the time asking what you all think. Do you believe there will be a game of the year, do you want there to be, would you get it, and/or when do you believe they will release it? Personally i've been hoping for a Fallout 3 repeat, depsite the lack of news updates from Bethesda, and am looking to Oct. as a release date for the GOTY. To me it fits perfectly as it's a few weeks after the final dlc and addon packs release, it happens right before Skyrim comes out the next month, and Oct makes it a year from the original release just as they did for Fallout 3. Personally I love New Vegas just as much as Fallout 3 and in some ways, more; however, after the whole dlc fiasco that was Fallout 3 where they release two dlcs on disc at a time in stores (which I bought every one on the release date) and then said 'hey sorry, we're only going to have Mothership Zeta on dlc and/or included in the GOTY'. After that and including the fact I don't count on the reliability of downloadable content and only on physical disc copies I have been holding out on the dlc until the GOTY shows. I gotta say it's been killing me on the wait as I absolutely have loved the Fallout Universe ever since I played Fallout 1 on its release from Black Isle Studios years ago; i'm dying to play me through some extra locations and see the great job Bethesda and Obsidian have continued in the game. Now that i've said my desparations and drooled all over the forum in anticipation i'd like to know what you all think while I sit and wait. :D
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Actually if you check their website they won the game of the year title from 4 different websites not including the best rpg of the year several times as well. Not only that but i've read up on the game of the year title when it comes to its real importance and the title is basically meaningless(most consider it a mere market ploy). The four websites I believe were softpedia, beefjack, gamebosh, and another site I can't recall as well. They have those four as well as best rpg and other awards listed for New Vegas under their Links tab. That's why i'm confused that people say they haven't won game of the year unless i'm mistaken by what they're meaning by the listing and upon visiting the links they provide it seem I should be correct, but *shrug* who knows. Edited by thetorturedbodysoul
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What places listed FO3 as GOTY? It mustve been one of those cause everyone I talked to says theres no GOTY for FNV. And IF they do a GOTY edition,remember the headaches for modding? They tweak the code or something in FO3:GOTY and it was such a massive headache to get modded smoothly.
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Well that much is true but fortunately for me I avoided most of it because I bought all of the dlc and the original game except for zeta and then had to buy the goty to get zeta, so when I got it I just kept my originals and then installed zeta to complete the set and so most of my mods worked just fine unitl the modding finally got sorted out. Personally I don't care if they call it goty or just Ultimate Edition with all the dlc and the addon packs I just would like to buy them all but not through the internet but by physical copy...I just haven't trusted them since my experiences with Oblivion :P Edited by thetorturedbodysoul
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Meh Black Blossoms Finger of God and Devils Mistress helped me a lot :P


Back on topic.


Do I see a GOTY Ed for Fallout New Vegas?


Not likely and heres why.


The game is buggy as it is. UNLESS they can somehow magically make it so its not an unstable trainwreck then I doubt theyll do it. The current engine isnt optimized at all and if they try to optimize it now with the modding community already doing so,then theyll ruin nearly every mod.


2. Theyre most likely saving resources for the Fallout 4. But if what I hear is true,then theyll keep adding DLCs to Vegas due to Bethesada losing the rights to the Fallout series. So Obsidian and Bethesada will keep dumping out DLCs until they get the rights to.


3.I forgot three..


4. Relates to 2. GOTY I think is only released when all the expansions are. And so far,were 3 or more DLCs short.

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