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Land of Esparta (Under Construction)


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Hi all! I'm working on a set of 3 worldspaces. If anyone would like to help make it with me, you're welcome to!


Esparta Town: It has a few farm houses, many warrior camps surrounding them and a wall. Because my CS crashes every time I make a new map for my worldspaces, I used the one for Chorrol and I am editing it. The walls around it won't stay like that, nor the castle. I think I'll use some Skyrim castle parts to create a custom castle.


Things I could use help with:


How to make a creature not attack the player unless attacked first

How to get rid of shadows on the landscape that I don't want


Esparta Forest: It's a large druid forest with a very very big redwood tree which will be their sacred city. There are going to be lots of grave sites (including looted grave sites) a lot of animals to hunt and barbarians/clans to fight/become allies with. Eventually I will make an area where the player can own land and warrior forces.


Things I could use help with:


Grave sites / Druid ruins

Warrior camps



Esparta City: I haven't even started this yet, but it will be a lot of low-class wooden houses squeezed together around a very large building. I don't know what to call the building with, but it is going to be a sort of school for mages and warriors. One side of the building will be devoted to warriors, the other to mages. It's going to have separate sections for the different types of fighting and magic along with class schedules and detailed NPC relations. The player will have to choose which side to study and cannot do both (as they are rival sections) in the end the player will fight against the greatest on the opposite side to complete the quest. The people in the city won't have too much plot related, but they will have schedules and interesting things to say.


Eventually things I could use help with:


House interiors




Not begging for help here, but it's out here if you're bored and want something to do :3 I can finish on my own, but it's going to be tedious. ^^ I'll update this to let you know how it's going! Some things I'm going to be nit-picky about (like the castle and large building) and I'll just do it myself.


If you're interested, just reply here what you want to help with and I'll pm you about it.


Otherwise, if you have any suggestions or ideas, reply them here too! I'm going to have lots of new things like new armor, beverages, clothing, buildings, children, and possibly some new trees/plants.

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Probably. :blush:


I'm basing it on an ancient european culture that mainly fought with blunt weapons and blades, but there were some archers around. That wouldn't be much of a big deal at all adding some. All you have to do is put whatever weapon you would like the NPC to use in their inventory.


If you meant the school building, yes, I'm including all types of fighting and magic. That will include blunt, blade, marksman, (and I'm not sure that axe is included with blunt off the top of my head, but I'm pretty sure according to the Elder Scrolls, it is, but either way I might make a separate class for axes as there's a little more skill involved than blunt) and hand-to-hand. The magic will include alteration, illusion, mysticism, destruction, conjuration, and restoration. I'm going to try to keep as many options open as I can. Of course this school will not be for sneaking, security and other theivery skills, as it's a fighting/magic school. I might add in a section for armor, but it's unlikely. I want to keep the two separate schools in one building, but they are rival sections. Plot-wise, I don't think it's a good idea to mix the two in with amor.


:3 I hope that's more clear now.




A reason I'm being a little nit-picky about it is because I'm doing a lot of research about the Irish culture and I wanted to make a mod that included some of that gaelic culture and folklore in it. Not very oblivion-ish (reminds me of the "13 mods that should have never been") but it gives me reason to make new textures/a different viewpoint of the plot.

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