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The TERMINATOR Cybernetic Dawn


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The Terminator is here:



* If anyone still plays it or remembers it, I'd like some intel, such as:


-Where are the cyborgs and infiltrators located apart from the locations I provide below?

-What's the deal with ROBCO?

-Any quest or storyline on this mod? Do I use the Fort Constantine missile launch terminal in the Springvale underground? What do I do?


* If someone wanna play it, use this intel, you WILL need it:

-All the enemies are VERY tough (like a Sentry bot or like a SM Overlord) and armed to teeth with high quality weapons. Don't mess - REPEAT: DO NOT mess around with them, unless you are quite a high level (or got toughness perks), very good armor and even better weapons, your proficiency with them being high. USE Psycho and Yao guai meat and anything that can help you. Have all the followers you can get.

-Their melee is devastating! I like kung fuing my enemies and got my meleedamage modaved to 200 ( ;););) ) but I still get my ass kicked hard if brawling.

-They CAN run.

-They won't stop. Just like the real terminator.

-They can use any weapon and they loot corpses for weapons, so beware.


*Known enemy locations and my strategy advices:

-Three Seekers at the Springvale red rocket (black enclave eyebots - easy to destroy). Reach Megaton as usual, but do not go Into the rocks behind the water tower - a HK Cyborg and an Infiltrator are there, waiting for you. Wait for the Resistance to kill them, and loot all the bodies. Yes, ALL the bodies. You need the stuff and all of it.

-Arlington house: an HK Cyborg in the basement. Don't enter unless ready.

-Farragut Metro: Likely a DEATHTRAP. An HK Cyborg 30m into the station and an Infiltrator in the room with DCTA firearms protocol. To reach Three Dog, go around to the Tinleytown-Friendship Station and through that station. It's on the way to the National Guard Depot.

-An Infiltrator waiting between the Super Duper Mart and Hubris Comics Tunnels. Do not go to the Super Duper Mart before you get ready for that. To reach the Rivet City, go around from the south via the Nuka Cola Factory and to the Arlington Library. Have a RadX, save your game, pray and swim over to Rivet City from the library. OR, go over the bridge, turn right, kill the Raiders and swim around the fracker untill you reach the Wilhelm's Wharf.

- An Infiltrator waiting on the yonder side of the Potomac on the way to Rivet City, halfway between Dukov place and where the Supermutants keep the prisoner in the camp where you find one of the Keller Family transcripts.

*New locations and their dangers:

-Silverman Ranch: a real nightmare, people. Some 4-5 HK Cyborgs, dr Silverman himself (!!!) and his daughter (she's fracking essential, but I turn that off via the console, muheheheh). Fasttravel there and you die. Instead, approach into the range of your weapons (I warmly recommend a powerful sniper, a low-spread heavy machinegun, as Fatman or MIRV will scatter all the bodies and make it a real pain in the a.. to find and loot them. For God's sake, be ready to run away and keep an eye out for the enemies here - it's a flatland with no cover and they know how to flank you.

-Battle of Fairfax. A real FO3 Stalingrad. Some 10+ resistance Fighters VS some 10+ HK Cyborgs, everyone packing like a Rambo on Psycho. Lasers and bulets flying in all directions... simply a fighter's paradise. Yesss... Fasttravel there and you flank the enemy from some 25 meters. Give them all you got. If you prove to be a good marksman, the Resistance will win the battle. If you don't... I don't know. I am a good marksman and I didn't want to know.

-Megaton entrance: like I wrote, there are 2 enemies. There are also some 5 resistance fighters plus a bazooka guy over with Stockholm. Wait for the fight to stop, then loot.

-Rivet city: Watch out, you might get cornered here. Some 5 enemies and some 10 resistance fighters. The problem is, the kicked enemy runs towards the Jefferson Memorial and you might find yourself swimming away for your life. If the enemy runs to your direction, ENTER the water, dive and go around them all the way to the entrance, get otta the water and go behind the Resistance fighters.

-Springvale: Once you get really mean and tough, enter the Springvale tunnels (near the Red Rocket) and fight the damaged cyborg there. Go on and enter the underground where a bunch of Enclave officers is dying fighting an HK cyborg. Watch out, there's a car immediately next to them and it will blow up if hit. The problem is, if you enter this area through the grate from the Vault 101 direction, you'll jump straight into the fight and right next to the damn car. Or was it a bike? Smash the HK and get yourself Tinman - YOUR own Terminator and an essential one, too:)

-About NPCs: Commander Ecco is chilling out at the Rivet city market. If you have Sharing and Caring companions, take his Total Recall Reva and use it to call him in when against heavy odds. There's also a new locker there behind Ecco and his bunch. It contains all the stuff from the mod, or so it seems. But, you'll have to steal it.

About loot: Loot contains good weapons with plenty of ammo for energy weapons lovers and for 5.56 lovers. Weapons are heavy and expensive - sell what you don't use and buy all the stuff you might need. Chrome Hunter armor (Resistance) has DR of 38.

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Enemy locations update:


Bigtown: a patrol of two HK Cyborgs's waiting for you in the vicinity of Big Town. Fasttravel is safe. The enemy is behind the barricade wall to the left, some 30 mts after you cross the bridge.


Meresti Trainyard: An infiltrator is waiting for you deeper into the main tunnel, some 30 mts before that hole where the dead Mirelurk's stinking up the place. Either take care of it face-to-hm... face? Or, to surprise it, come from behind through the NW Seneca Station and destroy it as you please.


Combat advice:

More powerful mines are another good way to fight them.



Whoever deployed the enemies in this mod, they knew very well what they were doing. The enemies are placed at strategic spots and where you wouldn't exactly expect them. A first-timer, no matter how otherwise FO3 experienced, will certainly get jumped and/or surprised more than once here. Not to mention the glowing red eyes in the dark... Jeez.

The game is a lot tougher this way and makes us THINK and it makes us learn how to react - or, more like it - to learn how to run away and to find ourselves an escape method (morotcycle, car, sprint mod)


As for escape method, I do recommend a sprint mod. The enemy cannot sprint. You can sprint away like hell.

Good surviving... Before you may wish yourself happy hunting :)

Edited by Shidentora
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  On 9/11/2011 at 6:33 AM, lostone1993 said:

hmm this mod has now gained my interest i might have a look now


That's the spirit. Thank you.

I mean, if you want some REAL challenge, this mod's for you, innit?. Deathclaws and Behemoths are strong, but they cannot engage you over long distances. And as for the Behemoths, you can always find a cover where they cannot reach you and shoot them as they're big and unmissable.


OK, then, here's the latest update on enemy locations:


The powerstation to the west of Arefu, west of Silberman Ranch: An Infiltrator inside.

Hubris Comics utility tunnels - an Infiltrator AND a HK cyborg inside (seems that they've got no beef with ghouls). The latter guy was squatting behind a column. He must've heard me drawing my Katana and made a mistake - its Minigun couldn't spin up fast enough at 2 feet distance, so that several strikes sent it to hell. It exploded on a critical hit, wounding me.

Ruined cottage quite a bit to SE of Old Olney. A HK Cyborg waits there.



Add to your Dungeon soundtrack list some T2 music (Reese in the Alley, maybe) and FEEL the goosebumps. Don't blame me though if you empty your last clip into a manequin :)




Stealth suit works well with these guys, but beware, they have high PE.


HK Cyborgs always have really good weapons, but the Infiltrators may have a sawn-off, etc.


Some infiltrators look really ghastly, so be prepared.



DON'T use EMP weapons - for some reason they don't work. Will fzzzzzzttt a Sentrybot, but a HKC will just gun you apart, grinning icily, as it always does.

A low-spread AA12 autoshotgun works like a charm.

If you're low on ammo, and succeed to see it before it sees you, better get da helotta there and return when you get some more ammo - it takes to put a lot into these guys. I wouldn't tackle them with less than 1000-1500 rds.

If you use a powerful pistol or revolver, shoot to hit.

Frag mines - these don't do a damn thing against these guys.

Another solution would be a machinegun or a meleeweapon (powerful or ~ modav-ed)


That's it for now.

Edited by Shidentora
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  On 9/16/2011 at 10:49 PM, frakle said:

From the looks of it, the way to get completely and totally anally inverted by the amount of ownage they pour into your rectum is to play this mod with FWE with normal settings.


That's exactly what I do. Got double global damage and stuff. A real party for those who like it. Damn, if there was just one more mod like this.


Where's that Occular Dissonance guy, the Author? As if he just disappeared.


"Annaly inverted."? Yuck.

Edited by Shidentora
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