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Seeing [Caution] or [Danger] while NOT sneaking..?


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I've tried several relevant search terms, and nothing has brought me to an answer..


I enjoy the Radio in this game from time to time, but since, with the Radio on, I no longer hear combat music, I can sometimes be attacked or chased for several moments before I even realize I'm in combat..

SO.. Would it be possible to make it so that the words [Danger] and [Caution] appear that the top of your screen, like when you sneak, but without you sneaking? I'd prefer it if this can be done without [Hidden] and [Detected] constantly being visible.


Anyone know if this is possible or has already been done?

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you can turn your radio volume down.... just letting you know. But the idea would be pretty cool, especially when you have the perk where running doesn't effect your sneak


Yes, I know the Radio volume can be turned down. It still totally takes away the ambient music and combat music. Also, from what I understand about that perk, it only affects the 'running' that you do while actually sneaking, whereas what I'm asking for would take place while NOT sneaking.

Thank you for the input, though.

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