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Adding features to customize the "Updates Today" and "U


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It seems my title was too longer after all, the last bit reads: ... "Updates Recently" pages




I often check the Updates Recently and Updates Today sections to see whats new and being updated, but I am only interested in Oblivion mods. It is not immediately obvious from mod titles whether a mod is for morrowind or oblivion, so can you add some extra functionality to these pages so that we can filter for the certain game we wish to see mods for? And also provide some control over how the file listing is sorted? I much prefer alphabetical listings vs time of modification. Oh, and while I'm talking about these pages, would it be possible to prevent files that are new from additionally showing up in the modified files section? Seems like redundant information to me.

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You must mean something like what PES (Planet Elder Scrolls) uses, where on the main page (file updates are located there), mods are separated into Oblivion Mods and Morrowind Mods. I was thinking about asking Dark0ne to implement something like this before, never got around to tho :unsure: It certainly would be nice.
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