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Heaven and Hell


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Hello everyone, I just had a pretty cool idea. Heaven versus Hell. You know when you die from radiation in the end of Fallout 3, but Broken Steel Saves you from that? Well, why not add a little quest series to when you're asleep and waiting to wake up? The Idea is, Heaven and Hell are about to battle, and they need you Savior or Terror of the wastes. This will be a karma reliant quest series. Depending on your Karma, you will wake up in Heaven with God, or in Hell with the Devil. You do a few quests and depending on what your karma is you either fight the forces of Heaven or the forces of Hell. Tell me what you think, and feel free to give some suggestions.

Edited by WadeHouseman
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lol i whould like to keep something from god and the devil like an outfit or wep but good plan whould need a back story for why thire at war maybe see your dad and some raders. people who had died funny if you kill frawn and he is thire cusing you out but good ideal
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  • 1 month later...
If you're neutral then maybe God or the Devil fights over you as a valuable asset to the war... Or maybe if you're neutral then you can just choose your side. I've also got an idea for a weapon after the quest. A notation after the quest announces that because of your battle that you waged you have decided to carve the fiery pits of Hell or the Beautiful hills of Heaven onto one of your guns. What that gun would be, I have no idea.
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