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PAX Skyrim Videos


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I haven't seen these videos yet! Could you put them all in a .rar file and host them to Megaupload or something though?

I put them on Youtube now, so while the links on Dropbox are revoked, you can see them there. If anyone wants to download it, you can use an addon like Flashgot (for at least Firefox) to download the videos. You have to be watching it in the respective resolution to download it in the quality you want though.


If you guys still really want me to, I'll do Megaupload too. I just don't think the link would last long haha.

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Changed my mind and uploaded it to Megaupload anyway. Link is also in the original post under Youtube.


If you just want to see them but don't care to keep them, then don't bother downloading them from Megaupload, might as well let the link last a while. Unless you just really hate Youtube. ;)


EDIT: I'm also uploading a copy of the QuakeCon video in 720p on Youtube, with fixed audio. It should be up in like 80 minutes. It's big. Nevermind, the QuakeCon video was rejected by Youtube because it was "too long" so I'll have to split it up.

Edited by natelovesyou
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