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"Skyvada" (Working title)


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I have wondered what would be a really interesting setting in the Fallout universe. Well, I think I had a good idea, at last.


Imagine: the dry desert, the hot air, the radiation ... the creatures, the wars and gangs. Where to go, when you are tired of all this?


John Ling, a wealthy and eccentric former casino owner, worked for years on a design. A prototype. He decided to escape the madness on and under the earth. Together with some engineers, friends and volunteers, he rose into the air ... and created Skyvada.


Extract from the town chronicle, written by Jeremiah, city librarian:


[...] The preparations have taken years to complete. John spared no expense to procure components and sensitive equipment. We needed a mobile unit, which had to supply us with food and other everyday objects. He got some Vertibirds, in a secret in a camp in the desert. In addition, he acquired enclave-technology. A small fusions-reactor solved our energy and propulsion problems. We had to rely on extremely outdated technologies to keep the city in the air; This simplicity, however, turned out to be very effective. We decided to use some old plane-propellers. Except for the wind and the noise the system worked properly. [...] One of the most important themes was the management of resources. The fusion reactor has solved this problem. Machine parts can be exchanged and cooled; fuel is nearly superflous .


The mod does not introduce new weapons or items. I focus entirely on the atmosphere and the story, and the characters. There will be new quests and a new, stand-alone zone, the flying city of Skyvada, over the skies of the mohave desert. I put importance on a detailed world and a lot of background information about the environment. Lovely designed dialogues and quests are the most important.


Here are some screenshots, Perhaps they already give an image...


Some of the screens are based on a very early version. Parts of the environment are not cluttered or populated.


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The project is still in work and will also need a long time. I look forward to your feedback and suggestions. ( :


This is my first "big" project, so don't be to hard < :


Oh, and sorry for the broken english.

Edited by Shlomp
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Mh, ya, there are similarities, but every artist needs an inspiration, and I promise that this is my project; With its own story, backgrounds and characters.


I'll post new Screens soon, of interiors and cluttered/npc-populatet zones.

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Aww...man, I came here hoping for a Skyrim crossover mod. Seriously though, it is a good idea, I hope it turns out great.
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