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Fallout: Hawaii?


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Cool that works. Though drop teh Kalmar for the Dutch. The big colonials were portuguese/spanish, england, france, and the dutch.

So the Portuguese in the layout are replaced with the dutch. B/C tIIRC he Dutch/French/Spanish fought a lot, historically. :devil:

EDIT: Comedy of Errors...

though I liked the names. Iberian League, Nova Roma, etc...

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Making a map would be good.


I must say, you have many excellent ideas. I at first just thought of this as being a little quick mod. Your turning the concept into a huge grande adventure! And that is awesome.


Anyways, I have this idea of the British leader. I'm thinking he'd be like a cross between Mortimer, Winston Churchill, and Rich Uncle Pennybags. A high society aristocrat who's inspiring yet diabolical at the same time.

It would also be cool if the Europeans have knowledge of all of America. Maybe they own cloaked recon planes and have been watching you. And maybe they could aid you at Hoover Dam if you side with them.

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I didn't think you wanted the whole state. But then again it is around the same size as the portion of the Mojave Vanilla NV takes place in IRL, I guess you could.


Who would inhabit Nihqau? Would it be an abandoned area? Or would those US Army remnants be living there?


Here's some idea for the European Subfactions


Edit: I didn't see your edit at first. Scratch what I said!

Each island should have its own map. O'ahu should have two, maybe even three.

One map for the Pearl Harbor/Hickams AFB to Diamondhead stretch, which included most of Honolulu; this would be >30% of the mod, really- plus one for the Marine Base in the north, which is another faction's harbor/settlement. I see another area for the western tip, reflecting the large conflict wrt the food supply from Kaua'i.

Kaua'i tself probably doesn't need to be seen. Unless the PC's going to incite a revolt and/or participate in a major colonial struggle, it's just a bunch of peasants farming the land for their overlords...


Ni'ihau needs only one map; it's the second smallest of the big eight islands, and it's the only one that's been nuked. Story being that the westernmost tip got a few "small" nuke hits b/c of it's distance from the Anti-ICBM lasers of O'ahu, it's relative proximity to China and it's exclusively military population. So the island was leveled, but the containment fields/scrubbers/booms kept most of the radiation from affecting the other big isles.. important, considering that the next isle over is the food supply, and the one after that is the population center...


The map for Ni'ihau could terminate with a "You can't go any further b/c the rads will kill you" message; the whole islan (or most of it) will have background rads, so the PC really only comes when they want to loot the remaining military base and/or complete a few objectives...


Hawai'i proper needs one HUGE map, or two largish ones. The tribals, mutants, and jungles/volcanoes are all there...

Maui Molokai are big islands (second and fourth/fifth? and right between Hawaii and Oahu, so they're the main "frontiers" for the Europeans) but one world space apiece is all that's required.


Speaking of worlds, Hawaii itself has another palace.

Hulihee palace

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I don't think Islands should have multiple maps. We don't have any guys working on this yet, so we shouldn't try to go overboard on ideas.


But anyways that place would look pretty good Falloutified. Perhaps maybe there could be a mini quest that involves you getting ancient Hawaiian artifacts for a Tribal Priest.

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Making a map would be good.


I must say, you have many excellent ideas. I at first just thought of this as being a little quick mod. Your turning the concept into a huge grande adventure! And that is awesome.


Anyways, I have this idea of the British leader. I'm thinking he'd be like a cross between Mortimer, Winston Churchill, and Rich Uncle Pennybags. A high society aristocrat who's inspiring yet diabolical at the same time.

It would also be cool if the Europeans have knowledge of all of America. Maybe they own cloaked recon planes and have been watching you. And maybe they could aid you at Hoover Dam if you side with them.

Cool. Though, if they had drones, they woudl have seen/known about the Mutant arrivals... part of the moral dilemma/ambiguity with the Enclave is that, though they are largely fascist, they are the only faction aware of (and trying to fight) the Mutants, and are genuinely concerned for peace instead of petty squabbling.... they want to take over eventually, but they are thinking long-term survival instead of just opportunistic self-advancement.


That said, the Churchhill could have his own Orwellian spies... he could know what's going on, both with the NCR and the Mutants- and keeping it under wraps, for his own benefit.

Yet he's also the most effective leader. He's the only person in any position to unite the islands, for good or ill. Take him out of the picture, and the islands stay in constant warfare for a LOT longer, with next to no chance of stopping the mutants or halting the gradual decline...

He could make the PC an ultimatum: help me unite Hawaii, and I'll help you with the Mutants, give you tech, and a home.


I really want to get my airship into this. the mod would need a seriously good modeler (I jus sent off a PM to AllanOcelot, and I'll pass word along to the SS team to see what they think) so why not? It would be in the Enclave base- part of the reason I gave them a big crater is to fit an airship- and would be a big incentive for the PC as well as an alternative means of escaping/returning without requiring NCR support.


So, side with the Enclave => unity under an effective and stable (though draconian) regime a la Legion post-conquests, stop the mutants, get an airship and a bunch of advanced technology.


Downside is that all the other factions are completely destroyed and/or assimilated- all the other big leaders/characters die, but a few switch sides. The neutrals aren't affected at all, partying on, mocking the imperials...


side with the English => unity under an effective and charismatic leader, who nonetheless is a Machavellian basturd, and get the airship/enclave tech after the Enclave are eliminated or submit/ally with England, and stop the mutants. Also doesn't affect the NCR, who probably end up allying with them for personal expediency.


Downside is that the tribals are completely subjugated, suffer even more than under the Enclave (you don't abuse your dogs/horses, any more than slaves- so long as they obey, you need them fed and healthy enough to work at the least) as the haughty imperials, English or otherwise, view things from a less rational/clinical Enclave perspective, treating the savages like dirt and/or venting anger on them.


side with another colonial => same as English, more or less, with slight/significant variations based on leadership style, and a harder time convincing them to fight the Mutants.


The "Peaceful" option requires killing the major contenders (english leader for a certainty, possibly a few other imperialist leaders as well) and convincing/killing off pro-war Enclave factions to get them to lay off. Then you get everyone else to submit to Enclave rule. Few deaths, little destruction, unified rule. The "cleanest" option. The NCR could either be killed off, persuaded to go rogue and/or remain in Hawaii (assimilated into the local government) or just head home and report that there wasn't anything of interest. Or have them open negotiations with NCR-Hawaii government.


No matter what the PC does, they have to get down and dirty eventually. Even if it's just killing a few tyrannical dictators/rabblerousers.

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I don't think Islands should have multiple maps. We don't have any guys working on this yet, so we shouldn't try to go overboard on ideas.


But anyways that place would look pretty good Falloutified. Perhaps maybe there could be a mini quest that involves you getting ancient Hawaiian artifacts for a Tribal Priest.

True. KISS, indeed.

Still, such a radical change of scenery would need a lot of custom models/textures. So the big two islands (which would have the most story and the most stuff) are right out.


So what would be the most doable as a standalone, WIP concept?

Ni'ihau would be the easiest, the most Fallouty (i.e. irradiated/destroyed) and few Hawaii specific resources. Few if any palm trees, no wonders, no volcanoes or native tribals, mostly just an irradiated island base and some ghoul soldiers. Of course, that isn't really the most impressive concept display...


Fitting the tribals in would be harder, but if there were more suitable tree models and a few other custom texture/model stuff (canoes, huts, beaches and crystal water, etc.) then the Maui/Molokai islands would be perfect for the tribal missions you're describing. Could even be a tie-in with colonials- help us repel English soldiers, which could just be a set of grunts with "custom" labels/weapons and/or a British insignia on their helmets/armor Maybe not even that; even the Enclave could work.

The trees and scenery are the most important for the short term- one palm tree variety ain't gonna cut it.

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We could do all the islands. Just not make them the full islands.

True, but the map would be seriously distorted, to account for the player swimming 10-40 miles of open ocean...

I'm picturing a similar setup to what Devin et al discussed for the SSWWWW- an alpha "preview" type thing, with the bare-bones stuff, then progressively adding more if/when the mod gains popularity. Hence why I think splitting the islands up is a good idea- if it's only going to be the one island, why bother doing the other ones? And if it's going to be the whole thing, what are another few world spaces?

It's going to be a new world space to begin with, right? Then again, I don't really know too much about it all, so...


Anyway, I sent off another PM to devin wrt SS models. We were discussing a bow/arrow thing for the mod, and a canoe might be in there somewhere. I never played Honest Hearts, and I never recalled seeing anything along those lines in Vanilla.



trees. Plants. Whatever. There's a single palm tree model for New Vegas Strip, but that's about it.


Native garb- vanilla/honest hearts? Grass skirts would be a pain to make, let alone animate, is there anything that gives a Hawaiian/tropical vibe in-game/online already?

spears, knives, etc. all here. If/when devin gets back to me about the bow, I'll post it here. Plus the machete, for good jungle tromping.


Is there an "adventurer's hat" of some kind? IE the one Sean Connery wears in the Last Crusade? Anything that would fit with the jungle explorer theme.

Binoculars are in game. Campfires, tents, bedrolls, etc. are also prevalent, modded or otherwise.

Crude log rafts could work fine for the tribals. Catamarans are better (is there one in game?) but not necessary. They'd probably have some kind of sail, but the sail would be stored/folded up while not in use. Stick a mast/staff and maybe a bundle of cloth on the log platform from the Lake, and there you go.








canoe- same as the bow. Is there anything in game already?

buildings, roads, etc. Vanilla has it covered.

Piers/Boats. Not exactly Point Lookout, but Vanilla NV will do.

Beaches- simple(?) retex of the mojave sand. Clean white, or a volcanic black.

Crystal water. Light, light blue- even a "radioactive" blue, whether or not it's actually radioactive, would give an ethereal/exotic flavor for a relatively simple(? Can't speak from experience, so...) texture work.


Bones, bones bones. Cattle/Brahmin bones are all I can think of for Vanilla, and I saw a gold skull of bling mod resource on Nexus... there was a passing jest about an Indiana Jones reference :cool:

Tiki Torches. Tiki stuff. Masks? Static or otherwise.

Baduk made a rope resource.


creatures- Hawaii has no snakes. Last I checked, they weren't big on coyotes, bears or bison either. Ants, scorpions, maybe radroaches (though not so many- they strike me as more of a "temperate" pest) and gecko lizards work for the interim. And course the mutants are all there, if need be. The Bloatflies could work too. they aren't the same "tropical" feeling as the more exotic stuff, but I somehow see them fitting in better than radroaches.


Enclave- vertibirds, armor, etc all there.

Soldiers- combat armor, etc is in vanilla. Retex would be simple (Insignia?) but vanilla gets the job done just as well.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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Woah, that's a huge post.


Alright, Multiple worldspaces then


On the topic of tribal clothes, maybe clothes made out of floral shirts would be good.


For creatures, maybe there's some Hawaiian beast that we can adapt as a mutant.


Also, Tikis are a must.


Maybe for another type of creature we can add mutated boars who are like the Brahmin of Hawaii.

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the mod would need a seriously good modeler (I jus sent off a PM to AllanOcelot,


aha, Im thrilled that people still think I have skill when it comes to these things ;D

Ill keep my head posted, RL keeps me from commiting, so I shall contribute if and when I can. any requests?

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