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Fallout: Hawaii?


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Yeah, the thought of this actually in-game is probably the only reason I'm still working on it. I keep giving up in frustration/impatience, only to come back later when I cool off.

The currency is probably going to be like the vanilla currency for the legion and NCR and/or dialogue menus, i.e. the donation/handout for the Followers or the scrap-for-goods of the Underworld? in F03. I'm not sure how it would work but I want to abandon caps entirely on all of the islands, with the possible exception of a scrapping/recycling plant.

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If you're going to include the Pope, you definitely need to include a Power-Armored, Thermic Lance wielding Swiss guard! Perhaps when you finish all the Popes quests, the head of the guard can give you power armor training and a set of Swiss T51-b armor. Edited by Hotcake
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That sounds neat. Siding with Spain/an Italian city would open up a "Holy League" option, i.e. crusade...

as much as I love brainstorming, though, I really need to focus on what's here right now. namely, a half-complete southern island. All of that imperial stuff- the wars, the pope- are far, far removed from the present. Getting this one island done is, frankly, too much for me to do on my own. Even if I finished the whole southern tip, sooner or later I'm going to need a lot of custom resources.

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It's fine, this whole thing is half wish list and half experimentation.

Case in point:



I was landscaping that road junction and ended up creating a slight outcropping-high point type thing; think pimple. this, of course, is what I do when/where I place a tower... and as I want solid concrete and/or steel, I did this:




because why not? I wanted another bunker-entrance for that vault thing, anyway. Of course, being hyper-=analytical, I immediately added two little walls to "protect" the entrance from snipers or god-knows what would attack a hapless vault dweller during the few seconds between the southern gun platforms and the bunker door...



money equals power, and in Fallout-world power implies paranoia and extravagance on the level of the Greek pantheon.


That hill needed a watchtower/platform above it, and that tower had to be big and permanent (limiting my choice somewhat) and it needed a concrete base to "secure" it to the ground and cover up a hypothetical ladder/hatchway linking it to the abyss below.





All of this just to protect a few tourists. :tongue:

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They're not tourists once the bombs fell: They're permanent residents ;)


This could work. It's a small but definitely American piece of soil. There is precedent for war here (Pearl Harbor), and you could definitely project a very Fallout atmosphere into this.

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They're not tourists once the bombs fell: They're permanent residents ;)


This could work. It's a small but definitely American piece of soil. There is precedent for war here (Pearl Harbor), and you could definitely project a very Fallout atmosphere into this.

Well, the islands were privatized before the war (Poseidon and international equivalents bought the eight big ones) so it's less of a tourist trap and more of an international enclave/"Eden" for post-war execs, kind of like Azura in Gears 3. Everything was reworked- honolulu is/will be leveled, as there's no practical use for office buildings or hotels in a post-war dystpopia.

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My two cents~


All of you do not know me, since I haven't really been much of a member on this forum, so here goes.

I have recently started looking at the Nexus FNV forums as I do have a great interest in this game. I am looking to get a start in modding this game, as I would love to try making my own mods. I do have modding expererience prior to this, also. I have worked with CryEngine 3/Crysis 2 Sandbox, Halo Custom Edition/Halo 2 Vista, and a little bit of UDK, so i think I can mod.

Also, I animate and model using 3ds Max, and have Photoshop CS5.

i would love to join this mod, Had I had experience with GECK which I am currently DLing in hopes of learning how to use it.

Edited by Spartan279
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