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Real Lava v1.3!!!


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Hi guys! Just wanted to drop a quick line that I'll be releasing version 1.3 of my Real Lava mod very soon! Probably tomorrow, in fact...


It's been a long while coming, but I felt that with all these new hi-resolution textures my 1.2 version was woefully out of place, and since I recently starting playing again I decided to finally update the texture to one 8 times the size of the original!


Yessir, that's a lot of resolution (2048x2048) and that may mean problems for some people - but all my testing has been smooth. Basically if you're running Qarl's texture packs or similar this will be no problem!


It's very difficult to make a convincing lava flow texture (as anyone who has tried knows.) I tried out that Visually Realistic Lava mod (and it was definitely a cut above my RL1.2!) but I still felt it was missing something... hot. I mean, this is a flow that never stops. This is a demonic nightmare realm, hell in Oblivion. So I imagine it burning hot!


Here are some screenshots! Let me know what you think.


As always, it always looks oh-so-much hotter in person too... :D









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