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some pointers on a Quest Script please


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Hi I wondered if anyone could give me some pointers on a Quest Script.

I need to set a Variable SheSaidOK. Effectively it’s a quest topic being said, but once said it wont be able to be said again until 2 hours have elapsed. So the first time the topic is said SheSaidOK is set to 1 in the result script then I want it to wait 2 game hours and set SheSaidOK back to 0 which will enable the topic again.

This is not the full script but just the part I need help with.

I added the set if SheSaidTime >= 24 to get over the midnight time area.

As you can see I’m not great at scripting as I don’t do it often.

Is there an easier or better way of doing this?

short SheSaidOK
short FirstTimeRound
float SheSaidTime

Begin GameMode

if SheSaidOK ==1
	if FirstTimeRound == 0
		set SheSaidTime to GameHour
		set FirstTimeRound to 1

	if SheSaidTime >= 24 && SheSaidOK == 1
		set SheSaidTime to 0

	if GameHour >= SheSaidTime + 2.0 && FirstTimeRound == 1
		set SheSaidOK to 0
		set FirstTimeRound to 0

Any Help would be appreciated

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