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Good Spears ?


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I find the Illurok (spelling?) useful early in the game before I have the soul gems and money to get a permanent night-eye enchantment. IIRC it has fortify spear as well as night eye and is useful in caves and dark places. It is not particularly powerful but as my character is usually only level two when I get the thing the tougher quests etc. are still some way down the line.
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Urr, you've got a long way if you aren't that strong. You get it at the end of the the Bloodmoon mainquest by well it's a spoiler, but I'll just tell you that you have 3 options at the end. Select the "guile" option and than fight the foe that you see and than check their body and they will have the Spear of the Hunter in their inventory.


Hope you are pretty strong though so that you can handle the Bloodmoon mainquest.

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