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Well, women certainly haven't attained equality in many parts of the world--look at Africa and the Middle East. Even in the developed world, we don't have proper gender equality because women are subject to double standards and bashing for doing the exact same things that a guy gets accolades for. People still believe that women are weak little flowers whose sole purpose is to have babies and do the housework and giggle over wedding dresses. :( People still believe that women do not have free will in the same way men do. This is obviously grossly unfair.


However: many of the same people who believe that women are delicate flowers who hate sex and are only good for having babies and doing housework, believe that men are brutes and slaves to our hormones. :rolleyes:


I can agree that women in the third world still have it bad but here in the West they have it better than men in many ways; they are not drafted for the military, they almost aways win the lion's share of divorce precedings, get most of the money and the children and when committing crimes are treated less harshley than men so I don't see women in the West as having too many disadvantages.


You know, men's rights activists (whose actual goal is to put society back in the 1950s or earlier, socially) quote those things a lot. Citation very much needed for the last bits--I know women can't be drafted, though. You also forget that nobody's been drafted for nearly 40 years.


Women do not, on the whole, have it better in any society. Divorce proceedings and the draft do not the totality of society make. Women are not evil, they're just people. You know that "girl" is used as an insult quite frequently, and women are bashed for just doing the exact same thing that a guy would do, and are left alone with babies because of forced-birth laws and boyfriends who run out on them? We don't have true equality in the West--women are still being treated like baby factories, hate figures and sex objects.


You are talking about the UK, I was speaking of Europe. My Greek friend has to piss away a year of his life in the army. Does his sister? No. And divorce is an issue because good fathers are often deprived of visitation rights simply because they are men. I was a victim of violence done to me by women. I even had scars and evidence but the police just laughed at me but you better believe if I had done violence to a woman I would be in big trouble. What about this?




True Story: Woman Steals Ex-Husband’s Sperm and Collects Almost $200,000 in Back Child Support


Written by Dr Tara J. Palmatier on June 3, 2011 - 19 Comments

Categories: Abuse, Custody, Divorce, Legal, News, Parental Alienation


I know the title of this post reads like a National Enquirer headline, but it’s 100% true.


A 57-year old Cambridge man recently learned that he had not one, but two children with a woman he divorced over a decade ago.


How did this happen?


In 1999, the victim decided to freeze his sperm in case he became infertile from undergoing drug treatment for severe arthritis.


TheDailyMail writes:


He stored sperm at the Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridge to ensure that he and his wife, who married in 1979, could have a child if the treatment left him infertile.


In June 2000 the couple decided to divorce and weeks later she visited the clinic and forged his signature, allowing doctors to create embryos from his frozen sperm and her egg.


She gave birth to a girl in June 2001, claiming it was the result of a one-night stand, and a boy in September 2003.


The ex-wife committed fraud and theft twice, which is bad enough and, not to mention illegal. She then knowingly and purposefully kept the victim in the dark about the existence of the two ill gotten children until the boy needed to have heart surgery a few years ago.


When the boy needed hospital treatment for a hole in the heart, his mother’s sister phoned the [victim] to reveal that both children were his.


The man, who had remarried in 2002, then had to tell his new wife that he already had a family.


‘The girl had been in my house when her mother visited my dad, who was dying,’ said the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons. ‘I didn’t even know she was mine. My dad died not knowing he had a granddaughter.


‘When the girl got older my ex-wife texted me saying she wanted to see her father. The children asked their mum where they came from and she told them, “The freezer”.’ In 2007 the ex-wife demanded he pay an extra £100,000 after she fell into debt.


Truth is very often stranger than fiction, but wait, it gets better.


A judge ruled that a settlement he made after the divorce, in which the woman kept the family home, was unfair because it did not take the two children into account and the man was forced to pay out the cash. He says he has also spent almost £200,000 in legal fees over the years.


The man now has two daughters aged eight and seven with his second wife. He sees his other two children for two days every fortnight.


‘My new wife has been amazing about it all,’ he said. ‘She speaks to my ex-wife to do the best for the children but it has put a strain on our relationship.


‘I love the children and spend money on taking them out and buying them clothes, but it is an expense I shouldn’t really have. The cost of this has been huge.’


A judge ruled that the 2000 divorce settlement was “unfair” because it didn’t take into account the two children who did not yet exist; two children who were conceived by a criminal act of fraud perpetrated by the ex-wife, unbeknownst to her ex-husband and without his consent. Apparently, some UK family court judges have their heads jammed as far up their “arses” as their US counterparts.


This man and his current wife deserve medals. Can you imagine this happening to you? Can you imagine having to tell your wife and your children, “I just discovered my ex-wife stole my sperm and as a result I have two kids who are your half-siblings and, by the way, we have to give my ex our life savings or I’ll go to jail?”


Wait, it gets even better.


His ex-wife, now 51, said: ‘I don’t believe I have done anything wrong. It was getting later and later for me and I wanted to have a child. If I had not done it then I would not be blessed with my children. I have no regrets.’


Just wow. Not only does this criminal have no remorse, she was rewarded by the UK judicial system for committing fraud, theft and, I would argue, rape.


Me, me, me. I, I, I. This woman doesn’t deserve these children; she deserves jail time. The victim is out close to $600,000 and this woman walks away scott free with $200,000 and retains primary custody of the children she conceived illegally.


Why isn’t she in jail? Why hasn’t the fertility clinic been sued? Why hasn’t this man been awarded sole custody of the children? He has demonstrated incredible integrity, decency and honor while his ex-wife is a forger, a thief and a rapist.


Women who have children without a man’s consent and without his knowledge shouldn’t be able to go after him later for cash rewards. In my opinion, allowing women to steal children and/or having the children against a man’s wishes is nothing more than legalized, state-sponsored extortion.


If a woman is so desperate to be a mother, why not go to a fertility clinic and purchase sperm from an anonymous donor? I’ll tell you why, because she wouldn’t be able to go after the father for child support and other financial goodies nor would she be able to hold the poor bastard hostage for 2 decades or more.


I’m outraged for the victim in this case, although, TheDailyMail doesn’t refer to this man as a victim in the article (that’s my edit). They refer to him by his profession, “haulier” (a truck driver/contractor). He is a victim. He was robbed of his sperm and he was robbed of the knowledge of the existence of the children. He lost their early years. The victim “is now demanding a change in the law to ensure no other parents go through his torment.” I hope he prevails.


This man is a victim. The perpetrator is a woman. Was she punished? No. She was rewarded with a $200,000 cash pay out and the children. Is anyone else outraged by this story?


You think that is just? and you think misandry is just a made up term?

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?

How did you get that out of what I said?


I agree that men are discriminated against in those situations. That does not mean that women are discriminated against less, or that it is not a problem with society.

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?


And we have what appears to be yet another logical fallacy--"If you're not with us, you're against us." :rolleyes: It's a really bad method of arguing.

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?


And we have what appears to be yet another logical fallacy--"If you're not with us, you're against us." :rolleyes: It's a really bad method of arguing.


What do you think about that case then?

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?


And we have what appears to be yet another logical fallacy--"If you're not with us, you're against us." :rolleyes: It's a really bad method of arguing.


What do you think about that case then?


Well, I certainly don't think sperm-stealing or behaving like a manipulative demon is in any way good. I also think it is nowhere near as common as you think--the sites you're reading have an agenda, which is to demonize women and promote male supremacy. Not all women are manipulative combinations of succubus and magpie, and feminism doesn't cause those behaviours. Some people are born without empathy, some are made that way. It's not acknowledged as a "feminist act" to entrap someone.


When people appear in the media as suspects or defendants in any case, they're guilty until proven innocent--your MRA blogs, the Daily Mail, The Star, etc. are all spinning the stories to make the suspect/defendant look as bad as possible. Unless there's a female rape victim involved, in which case, the media may blame her.

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?


And we have what appears to be yet another logical fallacy--"If you're not with us, you're against us." :rolleyes: It's a really bad method of arguing.


What do you think about that case then?


Well, I certainly don't think sperm-stealing or behaving like a manipulative demon is in any way good. I also think it is nowhere near as common as you think--the sites you're reading have an agenda, which is to demonize women and promote male supremacy. Not all women are manipulative combinations of succubus and magpie, and feminism doesn't cause those behaviours. Some people are born without empathy, some are made that way. It's not acknowledged as a "feminist act" to entrap someone.


When people appear in the media as suspects or defendants in any case, they're guilty until proven innocent--your MRA blogs, the Daily Mail, The Star, etc. are all spinning the stories to make the suspect/defendant look as bad as possible. Unless there's a female rape victim involved, in which case, the media may blame her.


Male supremacy? aren't you a male? tell me, what sort of supremacy are you enjoying? Most males throughout history enjoyed no such supremacy, they were sent off to die in wars or work bottomrung jobs at high risk to their health, and it is still true to a large extent, that is supremacy?

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World wide, women have less rights. Most of the middle east has laws that strongly discriminate women, and even the US and other European countries have laws.


China has certain birth laws, and most people in China prefer to have boys due to it. Take note that the majority of the worlds population lives in China.


In western countries there may not be many discriminatory laws, but the social attitude still causes discrimination.


So far I have seen two things for your argument, the draft and child support. The draft argument is valid. Child support is also pretty valid.


The problem is that there is a lot more discriminatory action towards women.


Thank you! This is what I was trying to say in the first place.


I'm not self-hating, btw. I just don't think feminism is what caused the draft and child support problems--the problem is this belief that women are either delicate flowers or conniving succubi out for your shiny things and genetic material.


So you agree with what the woman did?


And we have what appears to be yet another logical fallacy--"If you're not with us, you're against us." :rolleyes: It's a really bad method of arguing.


What do you think about that case then?


Well, I certainly don't think sperm-stealing or behaving like a manipulative demon is in any way good. I also think it is nowhere near as common as you think--the sites you're reading have an agenda, which is to demonize women and promote male supremacy. Not all women are manipulative combinations of succubus and magpie, and feminism doesn't cause those behaviours. Some people are born without empathy, some are made that way. It's not acknowledged as a "feminist act" to entrap someone.


When people appear in the media as suspects or defendants in any case, they're guilty until proven innocent--your MRA blogs, the Daily Mail, The Star, etc. are all spinning the stories to make the suspect/defendant look as bad as possible. Unless there's a female rape victim involved, in which case, the media may blame her.


Male supremacy? aren't you a male? tell me, what sort of supremacy are you enjoying? Most males throughout history enjoyed no such supremacy, they were sent off to die in wars or work bottomrung jobs at high risk to their health, and it is still true to a large extent, that is supremacy?


I'm not denying this. I am saying that that happens partly because women are treated like delicate flowers who can't do anything, but more because people in power tend to have no empathy. Why blame women for all your troubles, when they didn't cause this?


I know I'll be taken more seriously than a woman in my same life situation purely because of my gender--I won't be called a delicate princess and discouraged from doing "tough" jobs. Nobody will deny that I own my body. Whereas, both social conservatives and radical feminists deny that women have free will too. I don't enjoy this position one bit, but that's not to say it isn't true. I fight against the unfair expectations placed on both sexes--and the unfair expectation on people whose gender is not binary, to live a lie.

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