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Explosion problems!


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Hey guys,

I'm relatively new to the New Vegas GECK and I've been trying for a long time to create an Anti-Material Rifle that fires Mini nukes. How is it exactly that you would make this possible. I've taken a look at the weapon statistics for the Fat Man in the GECK and I've matched all the damage values of my rifle to that of the Fat Man. But whenever fired, it creates an explosion of dirt and has no radius of harmful damage. Also marking the ammo used as LibertyPrimeWeapons, like the Fat Man's has not solved the problem either.


Regards, Jesse

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You need to change the projectile fired to that of the Fat Man. Go to the Art and Sound tab and look for projectile. Just click the dropdown and select whichever one you want. So match it to that of the Fat Man.


An issue with that would be that the fatman projectile has dropoff and gravity effects, so you'll actually need to make a custom projectile for it, that uses the fatman projectile as a base, but has the properties of a bullet.

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