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Okay... So I bought some of the new DLC and wanted to update some mods. Having tons of errors that I can't quite figure out on my own... All sorts of red triangles with exclamation points and many, many crashes... I know something is most likely wrong with the load order as well as the install paths for my mods. Things is, I have windows 7 and FO:NV is installed through Steam so I have no clue where the install folder is... This is driving me nuts... Please help. Here's the load order report from FOMM. I just did whatever it recommended about 4-5 times to no avail...





Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

WME - Honest Hearts.esm

WME - Old World Blues.esm

More Perks.esm

More Perks for Companions.esm

More Traits.esm


Perky Snowglobes.esp

Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp

WME - Honest Hearts.esp

WME - Old World Blues.esp





XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp

XFO - 4b - Perks - Perk Every Level.esp

More Perks Update.esp

More Perks for Companions Update.esp

More Traits Update.esp


Total active plugins: 24

Total plugins: 24

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One of those is referring to Dead Money, a DLC you do not have. The red "!" means that you are missing a mesh/texture, so go back and make sure you installed ALL of your mods correctly.

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