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Fallout 3 Enclave Commander by J3X : Command Button Help?


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I need help with the command button.


Everytime i hit the G button nothing happens, Even when i press the G button while facing a soldier.


Nothing pops up, i even tried holding it down.


In case you have no idea what button i'm talking about, it's this one


" Command button:

Use EC options to change it, default is G.

- Double click on a soldier to access the command menu.

- Select a soldier and then a NPC for attack order.

- Select a soldier then a prisoner for execution order.

- Select a Scientist and a locked terminal or container for give a unlock order.

- Double click anywhere to place a marker there.

- Double click on a NPC for air support menu.

- Double click on a prisoner for options menu.

- Select a Scientist or a Wraith then a ordinary object (not NPC) for mine placing order. "


Can i get some help on how to open it up or use it?

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