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How to get rid of Monster Mod


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Hey, I downloaded Monster Mod for New Vegas and now I want to get rid of it. Is the only way to get rid of it to delete all it's files, because unchecking it with FOMM did not help.

The reason I want to get rid of it, is that it makes my game too hard. There are giant spiders and hell beasts near Primm and I can't even kill them and they just come and boom, you're dead.


I hope I could get rid of them, so I need your help.

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If I recall correctly, Monster Mod plugin is an .esm file, which has to be taken out of the data folder in order to not to load it. The .esm files always load, no matter they are checked or not. Keep that in mind for other mods as well. Also, I think MoMod uses a BSA file instead of meshes/textures folder, so, in that case, it'll be easy to uninstall. Remember that installing mods with FOMM saves you from a lot of troubles when you want to unisntall them.


Peace and Love.

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Plugins that require a master to be loaded before them will "force-load" their masters even if they've been deactivated in FOMM. If you've created a merged patch/plugin that references MOMOD, that will cause the master file to load. If you deactivate that merged patch in addition to the master in question, it should deactivate fully.


FOMM has an option to view your saved games and see which mods are installed on a per-save basis. Check your most recent save to see if it's still in the load order. A green save matches FOMM's current load order, while a yellow means the save is loading a mod that isn't active on the current load order. Hope this helps!

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