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new mods aren't working


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alright, so i downloaded some mods since i'm done with the main game. i got one for a new Ranger Combat Armour, one for the Bounty Hunter quests and the Nevada Skies thing. that's all working fine. now i'm done with the first lot of Bounty quests so i dl'd the next version and did the same procedure and it ain't working. it's set up in FOMM like it should be but when i load up the game i don't get any DLC-style message that the new mod is in place. so i thought eh, f*** it, and got a different mod (War Never Changes) and low and behold, we have the same problem.

maybe it's connected to this:

when i installed the first lot of mods it kind of made a 'hard quick save'. it's just like normal unless i add another mod in which case the game will load up to that old save. if i completed the Bounty Hunter quests and then installed the sequel and load to the most recent save from the main menu, it will load to this particular save, and it will be as if i just freshly installed the first edition of the Bounty quests. it works fine loading a proper save which i just do instead so that i don't lose my progress.

any ideas? would be muchos appreciated!!

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Moderator warning -Bumping not allowed. Please read the terms and conditions. - Bben46, Moderator

We do have an EDIT function for making additions to a post. A new post under this will not be considered a bump. :thumbsup:


I'm not sure I understand just what your problem is. - And that is likely the reason for no replies. Try rewriting it to make what you are doing that isn't working a little more clear. The problem is - lots of verbage, few facts. If you make it difficult for the reader to figure out what it is you are trying to say, most will just pass on by.


Most unable to install mods comes down to 1. UAC blocking the mods 2. Not installing properly. 3. Not reading the mod documentation leading to #2.

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i didn't have anything to add to the post - thought i'd cut the crap and do an honest bump :whistling: sorry 'bout that.

i've put down all the details i can. to my knowledge i haven't touched anything that would screw anything up. all i did between installing the first lot of mods and the second lot (that didn't work) was play the game like normal. it's pretty freakish. have also disabled the first mods and the new ones still did not work. nobody has encountered this problem before? :unsure:

it's bizarre because the first mods i did all work perfectly (and are excellent.)

thank you for your reply.

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I'm having the exact same problem. It also started for me after I played thorugh Bounties. No mods I've downloaded since have worked: neither AWOP nor After School Special, even though I've installed them according to their instructions and their respective boxes are checked in FOMM.


Maybe something to do with Bounties?


Edited to make it clearer.

Edited by paintingwithsound
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the exact same problem. It also started for me after I played thorugh Bounties. No mods I've downloaded since have worked: neither AWOP nor After School Special, even though I've installed them according to their instructions and their respective boxes are checked in FOMM.


Maybe something to do with Bounties?


Edited to make it clearer.

any luck? sorry for the late reply

i just sent a message to the duder who made the Bounties quest so maybe we can get it solved

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Yep, same here. My first few mods worked, but after installing a few others, they just wouldn't work. Everything works just fine, no crashes or error messages. The previous mods are also working fine, it's just the recently installed ones that won't work.


Oh, and I did not install the Bounty mod, so that shouldn't be the problem.

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